We want to send a sincere thanks to the Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center for coming and sharing information about this great state park and encouraging us to learn more about the Bosque!
To find out more about the park and its programs please contact:
Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center (FRGNC)
The Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center is a non-profit 50l(c)3 organization that supports the Nature Center's mission to preserve and protect the Rio Grande bosque, to educate the public about Rio Grande ecosystems and to foster positive human interactions with those systems. The Friends fund classes for over 12,000 schoolchildren each year, manage the Nature Shop, and support a number of ecological research projects. Led by a force of 170 trained naturalists, the Friends serve some 40,000 Nature Center visitors with classes, guided walks, and other educational activities.
Contact: friends@rgnc.org
Rio Grande Nature Center State Park
We are happy to provide programming to groups of homeshool students of 10 or more with four weeks advanced notice and someone from your organization could call ahead and pick up brochures to take if that would be useful. This summer I am working on revising our registration materials for group programming and I'll be happy to pass them on to you once I have them in place.
www.nmparks.com is the NM State Parks website and it can be navigated to find info about each park in the state (there are 34!)
www.naturediscovery.com is the website of the folks who do the summer classes for the 4-11 aged crowd.
http://www.nmnaturalhistory.org/BEG/index.html is the website of the Bosque Education Guide, a curriculum put together by a group including staff of the NM Museum of Natural History and the Rio Grande Nature Center State Park. It's an interdisciplinary K-12 curriculum with great activities for outside and in.
Karen Herzenberg
Instructional Coordinator
Rio Grande Nature Center State Park
2901 Candelaria Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone: 505-344-7240
Fax: 505-344-450
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