Saturday, August 25, 2007

OT Webresource: -Urban Legend Resource & Email fact checker

This is not about homeschooling but it can alleviate your fears when you get those chain emails or scary emails warning you that 'the sky is falling'....and believe me I fell victim to these several times until I discovered . So the next time you get one of those emails warning you about something go to and type the key words into the search bar and it will usually come up with the topic and help you separate the truth from the fiction. The really sad ones are the supposed kidnap or missing children emails and they usually (I say usually) turn out to be false and several times when I have gone to type in the supposed child's name it was a hoax. You can find all the hottest hoaxes on the front page on the left side. Have fun hunting I have found that things I had heard about even when I was a teen are (shocker) not it is a fun site as well I believe they even have classes in colleges now on urban legends!

The point it don't help these hoax makers get their jollies by passing on this stuff just check snopes and hit the all powerful delete button!

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