Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Resource: Wintersown.Org

Wintersown.Org is a not-for-profit educational corporation registered in New York State, USA. Wintersown.Org is dedicated to teaching the Winter Sowing Method to all who wish to learn an easy, simple and successful method to germinate seeds. Wintersown.org recognizes that there are many different ways to germinate seeds. Information contained in this site poses an alternate method employing things you have around the house, and is based on best practices gathered from Extension publications and other published sources along with experience derived from individuals. The information contained in this site is considered educational. The information and discussions are relatively informal to make the site more user-friendly.

The Winter Sowing Method is not only about starting thousands and thousands of seedlings for pennies - it is also about fostering creativity, uplifting spirits and stimulating success in all the things you do. Putting our hopes into a flat of seeds placed outside in the winter to germinate in spring teaches us to have both faith and patience. Upon seeing the germination our faith is rewarded and we feel exhilarant … we want to do the "happy dance" or "jump for joy". These two expressions best describe the combined actions of the naturally released hormones which surge through our minds when we experience great emotions. Wintersown.org wants to get your adrenaline going and find joy in a simple and low-cost winter sowing project!

Some folks say they get such a “high” on their success, that they have become addicted to starting these little plants. Many folks report that the satisfaction of seeing these little plants grow builds self-confidence … Children may study a bit harder to do better on an important test, or clean up their rooms before being scolded about it, or take care of a pet before being asked, etc. … Adults may finish a book, or sign up for adult-education courses, or sit down with the boss and have a win-win conversation!

WinterSown is a small and growing educational corporation, with your help and support, your sharing the method by "word of mouth" or "show and tell", the Winter Sowing Method can expand to help others through knowledge, friendship and sharing.

Thank you for your support,

Trudi Davidoff, President
WinterSown Educational Organization


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