Friday, January 5, 2007

Pike's Peak, CO, Homeschool Programs

Booktalks and Bagels @ East Library - January 12, 10-11 am

Come munch with us and discover great books you'll want to devour right away! We'll highlight children's chapter books and teen books. Ages 8 and up; to register, call 531-6333, x 1403

Kids Web: A Closer Look @ East Library - Jan. 23, 10-11 am

Explore great databases and Internet links on the Library's Kids Web to simplify your studies. Designed for parents and their homeschooled students, ages 8-12, to get hands-on practice. Call 531-6333 x 1403 to register.

Word Processing for Kids @ East Library - Jan. 24 and Feb. 21, 4-5:15 pm

This class is designed to teach children ages 9-12 basic word processing skills using Microsoft Word, including how to create, edit, and print documents. Call 531-6333 x 1403 to register.

Research Skills Class for Teens @ East Library - Feb. 13, 4-6 pm

Learn how to best use library resources to complete research projects. Call 531-6333 x 1207 to register.

Scavenger Hunt @ East Library - Feb. 28, 9-10 am

Learn more about the library and library resources in this homeschool family event. Call 531-6333 x 1403 to register.

Homeschool Book Club @ Fountain Library

First Wednesday of the month at 1 pm. No pre-registration required.

Homeschool Book Club @ Sand Creek Library

Second Monday of the month - 10:30-11:30 am. Come and hear stories on specific topics, do some hands on activities and take home a stack of books to read later.

January 8th: "Take a Trip: Travel the world through picture books."

Please email to let me know you are planning on attending so that I can have enough materials ready! Email :

Remember to pick up your copy of "Education Connections" at your library. This is a quarterly newsletter specifically designed for Homeschoolers.

Check out the "Next Reads" lists on the Pikes Peak Library District's homepage. Each list you sign up for will provide you with a monthly reading list with brief descriptions. There is one for homeschoolers and coming soon ... four new Next Reads for children's books!

See you at the library!

Melody Philbrick

Children's Branch Specialist

Sand Creek Branch Library

1821 S. Academy Blvd


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