Friday, January 19, 2007


I know this information on this group for homeschooling has come up before and become extremely controversial. I received this email about this program and I am sending it out because it might be just the right fit for some homeschooling families. As I would suggest to any homeschooling family before entering any program, do your research before making a final decision.--Tabbi

Dear Homeschooler,
I am so excited to share with you the newest opportunity available to home educators everywhere from WorldWide Independent Distance Education Academy (IDEA)!
You may be familiar with the support that other IDEA programs have offered to families who choose to educate their children at home. Until now, not everyone was able to take advantage of this unique resource, unless they were enrolled in a state-sponsored program. But a new door of opportunity has just opened wide – WorldWide IDEA now offers support to any homeschooling family.
If you have never heard of WorldWide IDEA, here is a brief outline of a few benefits:
Unrestricted choice of curriculum – teaching parents choose the curriculum that best meets their child’s learning style, as well as family beliefs
Fully accredited transcript for every enrolled student
Unlimited contact and support from a Certified Teacher
Help in choosing curriculum, as desired
Online, interactive Individual Learning Plan (ILP) for each student; includes ability to track student progress
Accredited Diploma from WorldWide IDEA for high school graduates
I encourage you to check out our website, and explore for yourself what WorldWide IDEA can offer your family!
Please feel free to forward this email to any family you feel could benefit from the support of our team! You may also call me directly with question or concerns at 907.529.2774. If you prefer, I would be happy to call you at your convenience – just send me an email with your phone number and the best time to contact.
Also, CHECK OUT this website with loads of supplemental, online learning resources & teaching tools:

Thank you!
Lisa Bell-Johnston
Family Rep United States
WorldWide IDEA

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