Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Zoom Into Engineering, Atomic Museum Field Trip

“ZOOM into Engineering

Saturday, February 3, 2007 10:00 am
ZOOM into Engineering is the largest event of the year at the National Atomic Museum.

We will have interactive engineering demonstrations, liquid nitrogen ice-cream demonstrations, solar energy demonstrations and much more.”

Demonstrations will be done by organizations such as Sandia National Labs.

We have a reservation for group admission at 10 a. m.. Please be there by 9:50; HAVE CASH SO WE CAN PAY AS A GROUP.

Children 5 and Under are FREE, but count towards the minimum of ten heads.

Children and Adults 6 and Over are $3 Per Person. (Normal rate is $5 for adults/$4 for seniors and youth)

When you R.S.V.P., please include the total number of those paying and the total number of those that are free.

This is a formal reservation, even though the event is open to the public. Please do not sign up to participate in the group admission if you will not be there by 9:50.

Please RSVP to http://www.abqhomelearners.org/view_topic.php?id=955&forum_id=29 no later than Thursday night.

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