Wednesday, January 3, 2007

CPR (RESCHEDULED) Class, Albuquerque

To whomever has interest,

One never knows when they may be the only one present needed to save a life.
This is why I(Kathy Chambers) took the below class. I want to be prepared for
what might be called upon me in the future and wanted to share this
opportunity with others. The amount you pay for this class goes strictly to
Rachael Wilenta( Red Cross instructor) and the American Red Cross.

I invited a Red Cross CPR instructor, Rachael Wilenta, to my home to teach a
class on CPR for infant/child/adult and first aid. If you are interested in
taking this class please contact me as soon as possible. There is a limit to
the class size. The advantage to taking this course in a home verses at the
red cross is simply to cut down the amount of hours you would need to be in
the class. I checked into the larger classes with the Red Cross and found out
the class would take 8 – 10 hours to receive the above training. If done in
a home with fewer people the class lasts around 6 1/2 hours or possibly less.
I have already taken this CPR class with Rachael in her home and received my
CPR certificates in the mail. She is a good instructor and very sincere in her
approach to teaching CPR. Here is the class info. I will also provide a light
lunch of salad, sandwiches and drinks.

A retainer check of $25.00 written to Rachael Wilenta will be needed to hold
your spot for the class. You may call me at 332-3753 for more info.

Date: January 13th, 2007(this Saturday)
Time: 10:00am – 4:30pm(?)Maybe shorter depending on how many people come.
Phone: 332-3753
Place: Kathy Chambers home

If the class is between 5-9 people the following cost applies:
Charge for the class & No certificates = $45
Charge for the class & certificates(infant/child/adults) = $50
Charge for the class & certificates(infant/child/adults/first aid) = $55

If the class has 10-12 people the following cost applies:
Charge for the class & No certificates = $40.00
Charge for the class & certificates(infant/child/adults) = $40
Charge for the class & certificates(infant/child/adults/first aid) = $45

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