Monday, October 8, 2007

Los Alamos: LAHigh School CareerResCtr update--Colleges Visiting!

Next ACT: October 27 at LAHS, late deadline 10/05, standby only after tht

December 8 at LAHS, regular deadline 11/02
Next SAT: October 6 in SF, standby only
November 3 at LAHS, late deadline 10/11
December 1 at LAHS, regular deadline 10/30

The December test dates are the last which may be used for admissions at University of California and most selective private schools.

Middlebury – Wednesday, October 10, 2:00
Harvey Mudd – Thursday, October 11, 1:30
Emory University – Friday, October 12, 10:0
Macalester – Monday, October 15, 9:00
Wash U. St. Louis – Monday, October 15, 10:00
Austin College – Monday, October 15, 11:00
Loyola New Orleans – Tuesday, October 16, 8:30
Bucknell – Tuesday, October 16, 9:00
U. of Oregon – Tuesday, October 16 10:00
CU Boulder – Tuesday, October 16 11:00
Mt. Holyoke – Tuesday, October 16, 12:00
Vanderbilt – Tuesday, October 16, 1:00
Penn (Univ. Of) - Tuesday, October 16, 1:30
George Washington University – Tuesday, October 16, 2:00
Carnegie-Mellon – Wednesday, October 17, 9:30 (Sr. Conf. Day)
U. Puget Sound – Thursday, October 18, 8:30
Seattle U – Thursday, October 18, 1:00
*Whitman - Thursday, October 19, 9:30 (change in day & time)
Colorado State – Monday, October 22, 8:15
Prescott College – Tuesday, October 23, 12:15
*Harvard – Wednesday, October 24, 11:00
Eastern NMU – Thursday, October 25, 9:00
NMSU – Monday, October 29, 10:30 – 11:30
Princeton – Tuesday, October 30, 8:50
Colgate – Tuesday, October 30, 1:30
U. Denver – Friday, November 2, 11:00
Lehigh Univ – Thursday, November 8 8:30
Claremont McKenna – Wednesday, November 14, 11:00
*Changed time or added since last posting

Seniors: You may still sign up to take part in UNM-LA’s visit day, to be held on Wednesday, October 24, 10:00 – 1:15. Please do this no later than Tuesday morning, October 9.

Rice Admissions Information Session
Laura Villafranca, Senior Assistant Director of Admission, will be at Mesa Public Library on Monday, October 15,7:00 pm to answer questions about admissions, academic programs, and scholarships.

Golden Apple Foundation Thursday, November 8, Lunch, IMC Classroom
The Foundation, perhaps better known for its award program for excellence in teaching, also hosts a summer student institute. Students who are current seniors with a genuine interest in teaching, and who will be attending college in New Mexico, may apply. The institute is held from June 1 through July 11, room and board are provided, and students receive an additional $2500 stipend.

Students will work with kids in the mornings at community centers.
In the afternoons they will take workshops with award winning
teaching designed to enhance their teaching skills and prepare them
for college.

Scholarships for Seniors
Mensa Education and Research Foundation, Essay-based, awards from $300 to $1000, through the ABQ Chapter:

Poetry Contest for Juniors and Sophomores
Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize is sponsored by The Kenyon Review. To enter, visit between November 1 and 30. Winner and two runners-up will have poems published in The Kenyon Review, and will receive a scholarship to the Kenyon Review Young Writers workshop in Gambier, OH. The Review has a prestigious history—Robert Lowell, Robert Penn Warren, and Flannery O’Connor are just a few writers whose work has appeared over the years.

Edwina Lieb
Advisement/Career Center
Los Alamos High School
1300 Diamond Drive
Los Alamos, NM 87544
505.663.2595 (ph) 505.662.6846 (fax)

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