Monday, October 8, 2007

Albuquerque: Body, Mind, Spriti Classes October-December

Swap Meet > BMS October - December Classes

From: Shannon D.
Date: 2007-10-05 09:13:18

at Body, Mind & Spirit Childbirth and Family Resource Center


Baby Sleep, Family Sleep ~ Monday, October 8, 10-11:30 am~ Find
techniques that work best for your family. We will discuss the range of options, from
attachment parenting and co-sleeping to teaching your baby to sleep
independently through the night. $15 plus tax. At Body, Mind & Spirit
(in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register,
please call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Comfort Measures for Labor ~ Tuesday, October 9, 7-8:30pm ~ Join us at
Babies R Us to learn about simple but highly effective ways to ease your labor.
With Childbirth Educator and Certified Doula Erika Harding, at Babies R Us. Free!

Immunization Basics ~ Wednesday, October 10, 9:30-11:30 am ~ Join us to
learn more about this highly controversial topic, so you can make educated
decisions about your child. Discuss the full range of options, including benefits
and drawbacks of all approaches. This is one of the most useful classes
you will ever take! With Midwife and Herbalist Mary Lou Singleton. $20 plus tax
($30 per couple, for 2 persons in same household). At Body, Mind & Spirit
(in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register,
please call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Doula Tea ~Saturday October 13, 10-11am ~ Join Albuquerque Doulas at
The Birth Center (123 Wellesley S.E. - in Nob Hill) for a presentation about
professional birth support. Learn what a Doula does, and how she can help with your
birthing experience. Absolutely Free! At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth
Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call
804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Becoming a Big Brother/Big Sister ~ Saturday, October 13, noon-1:30pm ~
Let your older child know how special she/he is during this transitional time.
Sing songs, listen to stories, make a gift for your new baby. Hello Baby
book included. $20 plus tax per child, $10 for additional siblings. At
Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information
or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Infant and Child CPR (American Heart Association) ~ Saturday, October
13, 2-4pm. Learn the life-saving techniques of the American Heart
Association’s Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation for infants and children with Marie
Sanchez. $35 plus tax/person includes material ($60 per couple - same household).
At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more
information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to

Baby Care Basics ~ Monday, October 15, 9:30-11:30am~ A creative and
pro-active approach to the basics of taking care of your new baby, beginning with
the first precious hours, days and then weeks and months. We will cover
cord care, diapering options, bathing, swaddling, sleeping, and other challenges
and joys. $20 plus tax. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123
Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to

Single Mothers By Choice: New Mexico Chapter ~ Sunday, October 21,
4-6pm ~ For women who are considering or pursuing single motherhood - whether
through adoption or biological means - or are already single mothers by choice
(not by death or divorce). $5 donation requested. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in
The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register,
please call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Yoga for Labor and Delivery ~ Monday, October 22, 10am-noon ~ We will
explore how simple yoga postures and breathing can help you during labor and in
the days immediately following your birth. This class is useful for both
experienced yoginis and complete beginners. Wear comfortable clothing.
With Yoga instructor and mother Heatherlee Farrell. $20 plus tax.

Breastfeeding Seminar: Basics of Successful Nursing ~ Monday, October
22, 12-1:30pm ~ Learn the basics of latch-on, baby positioning, developing
and maintaining milk supply and establishing a happy, mutually beneficial
nursing relationship with your baby. With Lauren Morgan-Smith, mother of three,
Doula and lactation specialist. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center,
123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call
804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Birth Preparation Meditation ~ Wednesday, October 24, 10-11:30am ~ Come
explore ancient, proven techniques for practicing breath awareness,
concentration, relaxation, gratitude, and inner peace. Join Avery Janeczek for this
gentle, comfortable, guided meditation especially for pregnant mothers, and
learn effective ways to prepare for labor and birth while enjoying the
benefits of practicing meditation: happiness in the moment! Also a treat for babies
in utero. $15 plus tax. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123
Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call 804-3726 or
go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Postpartum Potluck Brunch ~ Wednesday, October 31, 9:30-11:30am ~Spend
time with other new parents and discover ways to help adjust to life with your
new baby. Tell your birth story, share what is working and trouble-shoot
difficulties. Topics vary. Free, bring pot-luck brunch food. At Body, Mind & Spirit
(in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register,
please call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.


Intensive Birthing Class ~ Sunday, November 4, 10am-5pm ~ For parents
looking to brush-up on pain-coping practices for a second or subsequent birth,
or first-timers running out of time, this class provides an overview of
labor and its challenges and helps parents find ways to cope and achieve the best
birth experience possible. Taught by Doula and BMS birthing instructor Erika
Harding. $150 plus tax. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123
Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to

Mama and Baby Meditation ~ Monday, November 5, 10-11:30 am ~ When
mothers practice meditation, there are many benefits for the child and the
family. Join Avery Janescek and her young baby for this inspiring and grounding
experience. Babies welcome. $15 plus tax. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth
Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call
804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Mindful Home Economics 101: How to plan, shop and cook delicious,
nutritious meals on a tight budget ~ Wednesday, November 7, 10am-3pm (with a lunch break) ~ For new or experienced parents who want to take a look at how they
mind their home and feed their family. Bring a 1-week family food log and a list
of monthly expenditures, and we will look at food planning, shopping and
cooking from a variety of perspectives: how to increase the enjoyment,
nutritional value, and economy of the process. $35 plus tax includes lunch. At
Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more
information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Inspirational Birthing Class ~ Wednesdays, Nov. 7-Dec. 12, 6:30-8:30pm
~These classes are different than any others you will find! Small, personal
and inspiring, the class series helps you discover what it is YOU need to
get through your own personal birth journey. Great for those birthing in
the hospital or at home. $225 plus tax for six week series plus postpartum
class. With Doula, mother and Body, Mind & Spirit Director Erika Harding. At
Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more
information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to

Signing Playgroup ~ Thursday, November 8, 10-11am ~ Join other signing
families for songs, signs, visiting and more. Set up around a theme, each
session will include casual activities and a lot of visiting and learning from each
other. Intended for already-signing families or families who have already
attended Signing #1 at any venue. Join Amylee Udell of Sign2Speak for songs,
games and sharing. $5 plus tax.

Doula Tea ~Saturday November 10, 10-11am ~ Join Albuquerque Doulas at
The Birth Center (123 Wellesley S.E. - in Nob Hill) for a presentation about
professional birth support. Learn what a Doula does, and how she can help with your
birthing experience. Absolutely Free! At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth
Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call
804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Introduction to Doula Work ~ Saturday, November 10, noon-2pm ~ Discuss
the challenges and joys of this amazing profession with Certified Doula
Erika Harding. We will explore three questions: What is Doula work really
like and is it the right work for me? What are Doulas like and am I right for
this work? And How do I get trained and get started in this business?! This
is a great opportunity for stay-home mothers to branch out and find an
enriching part-time gig! $15 plus tax.

“Signing” with your Baby” #1 ~ Saturday, Nov. 11, 1-2pm ~ Learn
the basics of how to “talk” with your baby before he or she can say words! Grow
closer to your child, while easing frustration and more easily satisfy their
needs. Join Amylee Udell, a mother who successfully signs with her daughters. $10
plus tax. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For
more information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to

“Signing” with your Baby #2 ~ Saturday, November 11, 2-4pm ~ This
follow-up workshop to Signing #1 will add to the basics of infant ASL, taking you
to the next level. LOTS of vocabulary, strategies to make the signs easier to
remember for both you AND baby, and more ways to keep you both excited about
early communication. Join us for all this plus signing songs, games, and fun!
$35 for up to two people. Discounts for signing kits purchased at workshop.
This will be a fast-moving workshop and we request participants do not bring
along infants or young children. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth
Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call
804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Inspired Parenting: Establishing Positive Discipline ~ Monday, November
12, 10-11:30am ~ This parenting seminar will include a video and discussion
around critical parenting issues: establishing parental authority, positive
discipline approaches, and how to communicate effectively and appropriately to
build strong family relationships. With parent of two Erika Harding, director of
Body, Mind & Spirit. $15 plus tax. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center,
123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call
804-3726 or go to

Advanced Breastfeeding Skills ~ Monday, November 12, 12-1:30pm ~ This
class covers skills important to successful breastfeeding, including using a
pump and storing milk, introducing bottles, breastfeeding when returning to
work, and introducing solid foods/weaning. With Doula, mother of three and
lactation expert Lauren Morgan-Smith. $15 plus tax. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in
The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please
call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Spiritual Birthing and Mothering ~ Monday, November 12, 6:30pm ~
Pregnancy,birth and mothering are some of the most spiritually, physically, and
emotionally intense times in a woman’s life. If we choose to live
mindfully, we can experience them in deeply spiritual and transformative ways. Come
explore and learn from eco-spiritualists, and Judeo-Christian and Buddhist
mystics. With mother of three Pam Rowan-Herzog. $20 plus tax.

Meet the Doulas ~ Tuesday, Nov. 13, 7-8:30pm ~ Come to Babies R’ Us
and learn about professional labor support and meet the women who do this work in
the Albuquerque community. See a movie, ask questions, and get more
information about how Doulas can help you have the birth you want. FREE!

IT’S BACK!! Baby Massage ~ Wednesday, Nov. 14, 10-11 am - Touch is a
great way to build the bond between you and your little one. Learn the basics
with Laura Freed, mother of three and Licensed Massage Therapist. $10 plus tax.
At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more
information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to

Single Mothers By Choice: New Mexico Chapter ~ Sunday, November 18,
4-6pm ~ For women who are considering or pursuing single motherhood - whether
through adoption or biological means - or are already single mothers by choice
(not by death or divorce). $5 donation requested. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in
The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register,
please call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

NEW! ALBUQUERQUE RESOURCES FOR PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES ~ Monday, November 19, 10am-11:30am. This monthly parenting seminar will include a presentation from a representative of the Information Center for New Mexicans with Disabilities, and advice from local parents who have negotiated the maze of services with their children. FREE! At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call
804-3726 or go to

Pottytraining for Toddlers ~ Monday, November 26, 9:30-10:30am ~ You
know it’s coming up, but don’t really know where to start! Can you start early? Too
early? Should you buy that doll and vide? Come learn approaches to
“pottying” your child, advice from other parents, and tips to make this important
milestone stress-free for both you and your child. With Amylee udell. $10 plus
tax. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more
information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to

Diapering Options ~ Monday, November 26, 10:45-11:45am ~ CPPFs? AIOs?
PUL? Snappies? Sposies? When it comes to diapering, there are many choices
out there. Join Amylee Udell in exploring new innovations and the old
classics to discover which choice is right for you and your family. $10 plus tax.
At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more
information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to

Postpartum Potluck Brunch ~ Wednesday, November 28, 9:30-11:30am ~Spend
time with other new parents and discover ways to help adjust to life with
your new baby. Tell your birth story, share what is working and trouble-shoot
difficulties. Topics vary. Free, bring pot-luck brunch food. At Body,
Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information
or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.


Baby Care Basics ~ Monday, December 3, 9:30-11:30am~ A creative and
pro-active approach to the basics of taking care of your new baby, beginning with
the first precious hours, days and then weeks and months. We will cover
cord care, diapering options, bathing, swaddling, sleeping, and other challenges
and joys. $20 plus tax. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123
Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to

Babywearing and Attachment Parenting ~ Monday, December 3, 12:30-2pm ~
Learn the basics of the Attachment Parenting approach, including how and why
parents should wear their babies, from newborn to preschool age. With Adrienne
Jones, owner of Enchantment Parenting. Bring your own sling or try one of
ours: this class is for parents brand new to babywearing and for old pros who want
to learn a few new tricks. If you are looking to buy a sling or baby carrier,
shop locally! Buy here! $20 plus tax for workshop. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in
The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to
register, please call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

“Signing” with your Baby” #1 ~ Wednesday, December 5, 10-11am ~
Learn the basics of how to “talk” with your baby before he or she can say words!
Grow closer to your child, while easing frustration and more easily satisfy their
needs. Join Amylee Udell, a mother who successfully signs with her daughters. $10
plus tax. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For
more information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to

Birth Balls ~ Wednesday, December 5, noon-1pm ~ Learn how a therapy
ball can be a useful tool in pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Baby exercises too!
You get to take a birth ball home with you. $30 +tax includes professional
therapy ball, $10 class only. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123
Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go
to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Doula Tea ~Saturday December 8, 10-11am ~ Join Albuquerque Doulas at
The Birth Center (123 Wellesley S.E. - in Nob Hill) for a presentation about
professional birth support. Learn what a Doula does, and how she can help with your
birthing experience. Absolutely Free! At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth
Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call
804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Herbs for Kids: Pediatric Herbalism for Parents and Professionals ~
Monday, December 10, 9:30-11:30am ~ Focus on how to keep your kids healthy with herbs, how to herbally treat the common illnesses of childhood, and how to
assemble your own pediatric herbal first-aid kit. With Midwife and Herbalist
MaryLou Singleton. $20 plus tax ($30 per couple, meaning two persons from same
household). At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley
S.E.). For more information or to register, please call 804-3726 or go to

Breastfeeding Seminar: Basics of Successful Nursing ~ Monday, December
10, 12-1:30pm ~ Learn the basics of latch-on, baby positioning, developing
and maintaining milk supply and establishing a happy, mutually beneficial
nursing relationship with your baby. With Lauren Morgan-Smith, mother of three,
Doula and lactation specialist. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center,
123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call 804-3726 or
go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Albuquerque Birth Options ~ Tuesday, December 11, 7pm-8:30pm ~ Join us
at Babies 'R Us for this discussion of the choices available for providers,
birthing locations, prepared birth classes, pain-coping and more. This workshop
is appropriate for those not yet expecting, in early pregnancy, or nearing birth. Absolutely Free!! Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please
call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Postpartum Potluck Brunch ~ Wednesday, December 12, 9:30-11:30am ~Spend
time with other new parents and discover ways to help adjust to life with
your new baby. Tell your birth story, share what is working and trouble-shoot
difficulties. Topics vary. $10 plus tax, bring pot-luck brunch food (included
in birth class price). At Body, Mind & Spirit (in The Birth Center, 123
Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register, please call
804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.

Single Mothers By Choice: New Mexico Chapter ~ Sunday, December 16,
4-6pm ~ For women who are considering or pursuing single motherhood - whether
through adoption or biological means - or are already single mothers by choice
(not by death or divorce). $5 donation requested. At Body, Mind & Spirit (in
The Birth Center, 123 Wellesley S.E.). For more information or to register,
please call 804-3726 or go to www.bodymindandspiritabqcom.


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