Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Webresource: CABQ's AIr Quality Division

See the attachment for a good lesson for the kids on alternative means of transport and check out their website for more information on air quality! Learn about pollen counts, burn/no burn days, particulate matter in our air and more! --Tabbi
Good afternoon,

My apologies for the tardy distribution of the Air Notes for this month. The Winter Advisory Season arrived quickly this year.
So, here it is!

That nip in the air should remind us that the season for caramel apples and spiced tea is just getting started. As you evaluate your wood supply for the upcoming wood burning activities, keep in mind that your fireplace is not the only source of winter-time pollutants.

Have you driven around in traffic lately? Stop and go traffic, congestion and ever increasing mileage in your commute also impacts air quality. Consider any and all alternatives to grid-lock. Save some money, save some gas and save some wear and tear on your nerves. Get out of the car, get on the bus, get on a bike.

These are just a few alternatives that are found on this month's air notes. Post the Air Note for this month please. Share it with anyone you choose.

Thank you for supporting our educational outreach efforts!

Therese Martinez-Loner
Community Liaison
Air Quality Programs
Environmental Health
Phone: (505) 768-1970
Fax: (505) 768-1977

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