Saturday, December 22, 2007

Albuquerque: Homes needed for foster animals

This post is for the Albuquerque area but if you live in a different part of the world please consider taking the opportunity to fost animals in your town!--Tabbi

Hi Tabitha,

Would you send out the following message?

Thanks, Lori

Our city animal shelters (Albuquerque) are in need of families that are willing to foster needy animals. With the onset of cold weather, they are receiving lots of litters of puppies.

As a homeschool family who loves animals, we have found this to be a rewarding and educational venture. The dogs and puppies that we have fostered were adopted almost immediately. Investing time, energy and love into these animals does make a difference. Please take a moment to read the following information to determine if becoming a foster parent is right for you.

Here is more information:

Be a Foster Mom or Dad
The City of Albuquerque Animal Care Center (AACC) is looking for foster parents to provide temporary homes for special need animals. The types of animals that need fostering include litters of puppies/kittens with or without mammas, animals recovering from surgery, and animals with behavioral issues. Those animals which require fostering are determined by AACC management. The devotion and care provided by a foster parent gives the animal a chance to be adopted by a loving home and the length of time an animal spends with a foster parent depends on the requirements of the animal. This can be an intense short-term commitment, but also a very rewarding one.
Please call James Hallinan at 764-1137 or to learn how to be a foster! Become a part of our foster parent program and you could make the difference for animals that cannot be adopted right away.
Fostering will save a life of a shelter animal!

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