Saturday, March 29, 2008

Highschoolers wanting to attend Central New Mexico CC (CNM)

Do you have any high school aged kids who would be interested in attending CNM? As you probably know, APS and the charter school Juniors and Seniors are required to sign up for dual enrollment for CNM and/or UNM. The entire cost is covered, I believe, by APS.

On the other hand, if the student is homeschooled, the family pays the entire tuition and book costs. Some of the public school kids are graduating with up to 32 hours of college credit already out of the way funded by APS.

I'm working with an organization to see if scholarships could be made available to homeschoolers who would want to attend these same college level courses at CNM. Their question to me is, "How many kids are we talking about?" I have no idea. That's where I need your help.

Please email me directly with the response to this question. Please only answer for your family and if you know other families who have high school aged kids, please forward this email on to them so they can let me know their count.

I'd really like the responses back to me by March 31st so please do this right now.

My Question:

Over the next two years, how many high school aged homeschoolers do you have that would be interested in a scholarship that could be used toward classes at CNM prior to their graduation?

Thank you,

Barbara Dawson

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