Friday, March 14, 2008

Good synopsis of CA legal situation

Like them or not, HSLDA gets it right sometimes.

They have posted a very nice synopsis of the situation on their
website. Since it's well done and I have no time to create my own out
of whole cloth, I am recommending it to you. It's at
http://www.hslda. org/hs/state/ ca/200803120. asp You will notice that
they acknowledge that they are working closely with HSC, CHN and the
other groups, and that is correct.

I quibble with a few legal points (I don't think his first of three
quotes proves that the decision affects private family homeschoolers
who file their own affidavit quite as squarely as he thinks it does,
but hopefully this hair-splitting will be irrelevant before long), but
for the most part think it's accurate.

I am no fan of constitutional amendments, so please ignore that part.
And I'm certainly not encouraging you to join HSLDA. But many of you
want to be informed, and you also want to know whether to trust
HSLDA's information since it spreads like wildfire through all the
lists you're on. This particular one is pretty good.

Debbie Schwarzer
Co-chair HSC Legal Team

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