Monday, November 19, 2007

N.NM/S.CO:New classical academy with homeschool option

This is a school based in Colorado Springs, CO but if you live close enough to the border perhaps you could take advantage of it? I am not sure if they only want kids from their district or what so it might be worth looking into if you are interested!-_Tabbi

For those of you that have been wanting to supplement your homeschool with a day or two at a charter school that focuses on the classical method, there will be two new classical charter schools opening up in D49 for the 2008-2009 school year. They are exploring the possibility of implementing a homeschool supplement program, similar to what The Classical Academy in D20 and the Rocky Mountain Classical Academy in D49 currently offer. However, they need to know there is an interest in order to begin one. If this is something you're interested in, please let the principal and lady in charge of starting these two new schools, Tina Leone, know about your interest in a homeschool program through the schools. It is early yet in the process, so parent input makes a huge impact at this stage of development.

The website for The Imagine Classical Academy at Indigo Ranch is

You can ask Ms. Leone for details about the second school, since I am unfamiliar with its official name or location.

Contact information is available through the website should you have questions. Please pass along this information to other homeschool groups so we can be an active voice in providing more avenues for learning for our children.

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