Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Join SHEA's Student Council, Ages 10+

You do have to be a member of SHEA to be involved in this student council so check it out here --Have fun homeschooling!--Tabbi

I just wanted to remind everyone that this program is free to all students ages 10-17 whose parent is a member of SHEA. (If you are getting this email, you are a member of SHEA).

There are two aspects to the student body program:

a) The first aspect is that the student forums allow home educated kids – ages 10-17 - to converse with one another in a safe, moderated environment about issues that affect them. They can talk about what they wish for, what kinds of changes they would like to see, and compare curriculum with other home educated kids (only SHEA member children). This is a great opportunity to branch outside of your local homeschool group and meet new friends. When you attend SHEA regional events, such as field trips and family retreats, you can meet your new friends in person. Once a child is part of the student body, they can vote in all student elections and have their say! We will have numerous activities throughout the year such as a student yearbook, a student newsletter, and various clubs that they can participate in. Clubs are formed from the input of the students – if you want to initiate a club, just let us know and we’ll start it up for you. To sign your children up fo!
r this, just go to the member forums and look under STUDENT SERVICES updates. There is a form, and it is required for safety reasons.

b) The second aspect to the student body is the student government. This is open to all home educated kids (SHEA members) ages 12-17. As the members of the student body begin to voice their issues, wants, needs, and interests – those who want to run for student government will have the opportunity to address these issues in a campaign for office. Kids will elect one President, one Vice President, one Speaker of the House, one Secretary, and one Treasurer. They will also elect two Senators from each of the 6 member states. Each office will have a set of duties they are expected to perform, and there is a syllabus with this that applies to those who end up getting elected. Participating in student government is an asset to any college application, and it is great leadership training. If your child is interested in student government, please sign them up to be a student body participant so that they can begin conversing with their “people”, the student body!

If you have any questions about this program, or concerns or suggestions on how to get it off and running, please contact me.

Dianne McLean

SHEA Regional Director

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