Friday, November 16, 2007

Los Alamos:Teen Action Group; Aquatic Center News, Turkey Bowling

Sorry I had to put these all together but I have so many emails backlogged that I am going to try to do this till the season lets up!--Tabbi But make sure to check out the bottom TAG info for teens on the GameCube event and book reviews!

**Wacky Wednesday @ Aquatic Center
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 at 1:00 PM

to 4:00 PM

"Wacky Wednesdays" are held each Wednesday during the school year at a discounted price.
Crocodile obstacle course, movie in the sanck bar, foosball and boxing on the mezzanine is also set up for kids and parents to enjoy from 1pm-3pm.
Jump house in patio weather permitting 1pm-4pm.

Location: Larry R. Walkup Aquatic Center
2760 Canyon Road
Los Alamos, NM 87544

Frozen Turkey Bowling

2007 Frozen Turkey Bowling
$1 / bird
Test your skills at guiding a turkey or Cornish game hen down the ice for special give-a-ways and prizes.
Friday, November 16th: 7 PM - 10 PM
Saturday, November 16th: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Tickets are $1.00 per bird and the ice

is cleared every 30 minutes for some "bird" bowling.
Admission: $6.00 at the door
Under 5: $2.00
(no passes, includes skates)
All proceeds benefit the
Recreation Scholarship Fund


Hey TAG!

What's up? I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday off school ... guess what? The library was still open so I had to work!! ;;__;;

I was just sending y'all this message to remind you that our next meeting is:

4:30-5:15 - Book discussion & checkout (and FOOD!)
5:30-6:00 - MarioKart in downstairs program room (only for those who attended the meeting!)**

Due to popular vote, we'll be kicking it old-skool with MarioKart on the (library's brand-new) GameCube instead of DDR this time.

I also wanted to let you know that, in honor of Children's Book Week, the library is having its annual bookmark contest. So, for all you artists out there (or any of you who know artists!) please enter! There's a middle school and high school category so you won't be competing with fourth-graders and the winner gets a $10 gift certificate from Otowi Station (books!!) and the honor of seeing their design reprinted on bookmarks that are handed out in the library! You can enter all through the month, so come pick up an entry form at one of the desks or get one at our next meeting! (hopefully, we'll have a downloadable one on the website soon!)

AND because we talked about it at our last meeting, I wanted to remind you that everyone seemed interest in possibly having a collection of reviews, all written by you of course, to hand out in our teen section. Now is the time to start working on those reviews and e-mailing them to me. (sending them via e-mail will make it easier for me to create the handout.)

I thought you might want an example, so you can check out some reviews from Open Shelf, the publication from the Mesa Library in Arizona that we looked at our first meeting:

Here's an example:

Midnighters by Scott Westerfeld
(four stars)
This book is about how a family moves to a small town in the middle of nowhere and how their daughter had found a secret hour at midnight. Jessica, the daughter, finds that she is one of five that can be in the secret hour, but unlike the others she doesn't have a special "ability." So as the other "midnighters: try to find out what her ability is Jessica is running from "darklings," monsters that only live in the secret hour. When they find out what Jessica's ability is, everyone is shocked. I loved this book and the one that followed it, although there is a sad end to the trilogy.
-Kelsey Long

Basically, your review should be a lot like what we talk about when we talk about the books at the meetings. Why did you like it? What made it special? Why would you tell other people to take the time to read it? (This review, by the way, isn't EXACTLY how yours should be, it was just the shortest for me to type up!) What your review SHOULD include is:

-title and author
-your name
-your "star" rating, between 0-4 stars, 4 being the highest.
-genre of the book (if you know it) is the book: fantasy, horror, mystery, sci-fi, graphic novel, manga, romance, historical, non-fiction, general?
-is the book part of a series? If so, include the name of the series.

You can submit several reviews at a time just remember: the book HAS to be one that the library has! After all, you can't recommend people check out something we don't have, right? ^___^

So, start sending in reviews! It's your chance to tell everyone about what you're reading! Send them to me at this e-mail address or at I'll get them at either address. I'll be sending out another reminder about the meeting, probably later next week, and you know that you can reach me anytime via e-mail, phone, or at the desk.

Remember: FORWARD THIS E-MAIL TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU WANT! People interested in the bookmark contest, in TAG, in Club Anime, in reviewing books, in playing MarioKart, in butterflies and puppies, whatever! Spread the word. See y'all next time, I hope I'll have some book reviews by then!!!

Ninja Librarian
662-8257// 662-8258



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