Friday, October 5, 2007

Albuquerque: Balloon Fiesta Fractals

Hi everyone, and welcome to a whole bunch of new people on this list.

Fall is in the air, and this Friday is a special Balloon Fiesta
edition of the First Friday Fractal shows! 6:00, 7:00 and 8:00 at the
Planetarium in the NM Museum of Natural History and Science. As there
are thousands of extra people in town for Fiesta, I'm pretty sure we'll sell
out and you'll want to reserve your tickets in advance for the Fractal shows -
which you can do at:

Also, for those of you who have seen the show, you know I've created
some beautiful fractal-inspired balloons... which you can see for real
at Balloon Fiesta! Come visit the SkyDyes balloons at launch spot C5,
on the south end of the field. We'll be there from Saturday Oct. 6th
to Sunday the 14th, though Tuesday, Thursday and Friday they make us
launch from off-field. And if you really want to participate, we could
always use a little more crew... Contact me if you're interested, or
just show up.

A couple of other fun notes: I got to project fractals on the side of
a giant building at 4th and Gold last Friday night as part of the GO
Downtown Arts Festival. It ROCKED. The images were ~50' wide and 80'
tall, and hundreds of people got to enjoy the show. Many thanks to the
Downtown Action Team for making this possible, as well as to the
owners of the New Mexico Bank and Trust building. And I'm sorry I didn't
announce the show to you by email. I wasn't sure until it actually
happened that everything necessary would come together. But it did,
and it all worked great - and I'll be sure to let you know the next
time we do an outdoor fractal show.

And finally, in case you were emailing me and wondering why I wasn't
responding... I spent a wonderful week in Rio de Janeiro, and got to
teach fractals for the first time to an international audience. Fun!

I hope to see you somewhere in all this fun coming up... Keep looking
up, and you might see me!

-Jonathan Wolfe, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Next First Friday Fractals show: October 5th
Fractals are SMArt - Science, Math, & Art!

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