Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Los Alamos: Online Nutrition Classes-Perfect for those going into a health/biology related field

From the Los Alamos Yahoo Group:

My name is Patty Willms and I used to homeschool my children here in
Los Alamos. I still part-time homeschool my youngest who will be a
sophomore at the high school this year.

I also teach two online nutrition courses at UNM-LA and in the past
have used the homeschool email chain to distribute this information to

high school homeschooled students. Attached is an information sheet
on the nutrition courses being offered at UNM-LA this fall and spring
semesters. The NUTR 120 course is pretty much an elective for all
majors with no pre-requisites while the NUTR 244 is a course required
for nursing school and other health-related fields with the
pre-requisites of either college level (AP)biology or college level

If you have any questions, please call me at 662-9843 or 412-5983.

Thank you,
Patty Willms


Nutrition for Health, NUTR 120, Section 300
CRN 23248; 3 credit hours: General concepts of nutrition applied to food choices that support health. Cultural, psychological and economic implications of food choices.

Human Nutrition, NUTR 244, Section 300
CRN 23249; 3 credit hours: This course provides an overview of all the nutrients including function in the body and food sources. Dietary guidelines intended to promote long term health are stressed. Prerequisites: BIOL 123 or 201 or CHEM 111L or 121L.

Registration for these courses is through LoboWeb.
These courses will be taught completely on-line through
E-mail the instructor at for more information.

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