Friday, June 22, 2007

Sandia Mountain NHM Homeschool Day

Join us on July 10 at 9:30 am at the Sandia Mountain Natural History Center. Cost is $2.00 per child for ages 2 and up. Chaperones and babies are free. There is an additional charge of $20 for the two staff members that will conduct the tours and lessons. I will figure out the division of that fee once I have a headcount of children attending this event. Please bring lunch, water, sunscreen and hats! They have shaded picnic areas available. This event will last 3-4 hours. I need to collect and pay as a group before the event so please arrive by 9:15. Excact cash or check only.

Children from Grade 2 to Grade 4 will go on a Guided Nature Hike as well as learn about Geo Cache and using a compass. There is a maximum of 25 children.

Children from PreK-Grade 1 will go a Scavenger Hunt and use the Explorers Center. Children ages 2-3 may participate with the Explorers Center and they are going to try to put together an art lesson geared toward their age. Maximum of 25 children.

Please RSVP to Shannon at by July 2.

Attending: ages 2-3 and PreK-Grade 1

Shannon- 2

Kari - 1 + 1 not participating

Jessica & Art - 1

Attending: Grade 2-4

Jessica & Art - 1

Rebecca - 2


From Albuquerque, follow I-40 east through Tijeras Canyon. Take the Cedar Crest Exit (175) and follow State Highway North 14 through Cedar Crest. Watch for the Conoco Station on the right and the coffee shop on your left, approximately 3 miles from I-40. Turn left immediately after the coffee shop onto Columbine Lane (dirt road). Follow Columbine Lane approximately 1 mile to the Center. Columbine Lane ends at the Center.

Sandia Mountain Natural History Center Address:

60 Columbine Lane

Cedar Crest, NM

Center Tel. Number: 281-5259

Nature Hike- Activities include a two-hour hike and may involve one or more of the following: a discussion on wildlife in the Sandias, a natural history talk, or an animal tracks activity. The hike gives participants a chance to gain an appreciation for the natural environment and an opportunity to learn by doing.

Geo Cache Activity- Participants will have the opportunity to use GPS and compasses to explore local areas in search of "treasure."

Explorer's Center- Come visit our Explorer's Center and discover many of the natural wonders the Sandia Mountains have to offer! The Center provides a fun, interactive learning experience for children of all ages.

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