Friday, June 22, 2007

New Product! Saxon Grammar and Writing

Swap Meet-Viewable by Public > Saxon Grammar and Writing

From: Shannon D.
Date: 2007-06-16 10:52:24

Sent to AHL mail address.

Dear Home Educator,

I am the author of the Saxon� Math middle grade books that thousands of homeschool families have used. (I wrote the manuscripts for Saxon Math 54, Math 65, Math 76, and Math 87.) For many years I have believed that the approach John Saxon and I used to write math books would be just as effective for teaching English language skills.

A few years ago I commissioned a team of authors to create a new language art series using the Saxon� methodology. I am delighted to share the news that four grade levels of Grammar and Writing are now available to homeschool families.

Please take a moment to visit our site at There you will find more information about this comprehensive and effective language arts program that has won praise and a loyal following from early users. Currently this program is available only through

On a personal note, I understand the dedication, love, and sacrifice of parents who educate their children at home, so I am deeply gratified that so many homeschool parents have chosen to use Saxon Math. We taught two of our children at home for a few years, and I know what a difference there is between various programs available for home use. I benefited from using an excellent language arts program as a student, as did our children, and I am hopeful that thousands of students will likewise benefit from Grammar and Writing, just as they have from Saxon Math.

Wishing the best for you and your children,

Stephen Hake

Saxon� Math author and founder of the Grammar and Writing style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt"program


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