Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Southwest Music Camp


Can you also post this announcement about a summer music program that homeschool kids can participate in. It is run by friends of mine who used to homeschool their children.

thanks, syc

Southwest Music Camp-
This is a day camp that is designed for children that are ages 8-14 years of age to help them develop appreciation for a variety of Christian music. The camp runs 9-5:30 Monday to Friday, July 9-13, 2007. It's a great camp for beginning musicians or if your child hasn't really had much exposure to music but you would like for them to have some. Typically about half the campers are beginners or have had little exposure to music. More advanced instruction is also offered for those who have been playing and instrument or singing for a while. The format is a combination of games & activities alternating with music instruction and demonstrations and workshops. It's a fun way of learning. This year's special activities include a trip to Explora! to see their new "Science of Sound" Exhibit, Special performance and workshop by Jubel's Kids, Historical instruments & the development of the Recorder-&nbs p;Presentation & performance by Dale Taylor, and a trip to Jemez Falls. This price is extremely reasonable at $95 for the week and there is a $15 discount off of that if you register before May 31st. A limited number of scholarships are also available. If you would like a brochure with more information, please respond to this e-mail miller_ls@juno.com or call 892-0964 and we will send one in the mail to you.

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