Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Corrales: Jericho Nursery Flower Class, Ages 8 and up

Guys and Gals ages 8 and up (if you have a sibling of an 8 and older group in the 6-7 yr range and they really want to do this class I am going to say go for it) come join us at the Jericho Nursery for a class on How to Grow Flowers.

Does your child have questions about what they have already planted? Do they want to know what an annual vs a perennial flower is? Did you know that when you re-plant a tomato you need to bury 80% of it in the ground? What are good plants for where you live or your living situation? Come and find out and ask more questions!

From Jennifer:
Now as far as pots go....I have some in the $20 range but they are very plain jane terra cotta. I could also order more plastic pots and they will range from about $9-$25 depending on the size. I have some that are $15 are somewhat small but really cute. As I mentioned earlier I have some glazed pots on the way but they will be pricey probably starting around $30 or $40 bucks and going up from there.
My thought is the folks are going to be more interested in spending money on plants not pots and since I'm just charging you for the plants and soil I think most everyone could spend $25 dollars and fill up 2-3 of their own pots. Obviously this depends on the size pot they bring but a standard 12"-14" will comfortably hold (3-4) 3.5" containers with room for growing.

For the sake of success with these containers, people should think about putting them in morning sun and afternoon shade. Sunny hotspots are tough to keep watered over the summer. And hopefully some folks have true shady pots because we have some really fun shade annuals.

It will be at their Village Mercantile location which is in Corrales at 3675 Corrales Road, 897-9328.

Wednesday, June 6th from 10:30 to 11:30

RSVP on this list or to me at NMHomeschoolCommunityUpdates@gmail.com DO NOT CALL THE STORE!!

RSVPs required by Friday, June 1st so that she can have the appropriate amount of supplies for us!

This class will be taught by Jennifer, one of the owners of the nursery!

We will be outside so wear appropriate clothing and hats and sungear!

15 Kids max! And please no drop-offs for this activity.


If you have any questions please ask!

Let me know if you want to do shirts decorated with plants and flowers?? We can all bring our own shirts and paints and do them at the table outside and meet a little earlier than the class. Let me know of the interest before I plan anything!

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