Thursday, September 27, 2007

Article: I Was Homeschooled, So What?

From the LIFE of FL Yahoo Group:

I Was Homeschooled, So What?
By Bamers - Posted on September 23rd, 2007

When I tell people, mostly teens my age, that I've been homeschooled
they usually say "I'm sorry". Why? Because they believe that I've
been sheltered, protected, and treated with kid gloves my entire
life, that my parents never let me make mistakes and that my
education and socialization has to be sub par to what they had in
public schools. Then I spend the next 20 minutes explaining how great
homeschooling is, at least for me.

My mom decided to homeschool me at the very beginning because the
elementary school I would attend didn't teach phonics. After I
learned to read, I was supposed to go to "real" school. Well, here I
am now, in my senior year of high school and I've yet to step foot in
a "real" high school, not really but we'll get to that later.

To put aside many misconceptions of homeschoolers I must first add a
disclaimer: there are homeschooling families that follow the
stereotype of homeschooling perfectly. Their children either are
unsocialized, receive a poor education, or both. Those are the
stories you hear about on the news, what I'm talking about here is
the majority of homeschooling families, at least in my area, who
educate their children to be contributing members of society.

Read the rest of the article at the link above.

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