Monday, April 2, 2007

Article: "Re-education" (China emulates American education)

Interesting article in Sunday's NY Times magazine:

"Re-education," by Ann Hulbert

"Can China create schools that foster openness, flexibility and
innovation? And what happens to China if it does?"

Some intriguing quotes from it:

"Even as Americans seek to emulate China's test-centered and
math-focused pedagogy, Chinese educators are trying to promote a
Western emphasis on critical thinking at home."

"The Chinese government worries that too many students have become the
sort of stressed-out, test-acing drone who lacks the skills necessary
in the global marketplace."

"...Meijie's experience was a preview of how less hierarchical, more
flexible educational innovations might free an extroverted, quite
extraordinary student -- even as it also shed light on the persistent
power exerted by stringent school expectations and demanding parents."

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