Sunday, December 31, 2006

Pajarito Yamaha Music School, Albuquerque

Pajarito Yamaha Music School
3014-A Altez Street, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111

December 22, 2006

To: Prospective Yamaha Music School Students and Parents

Subject: New classes to begin January 26, 2007

Junior Music Course (Level I) for children ages 4-8 Beverly Pettit, Teacher

Times of Classes
Friday (4-6) at 4:30PM beginning January 26th

Saturday (6-8) at 4:00PM beginning January 27th

Classes meet one time per week for one hour.

An orientation session for parents only will be held on Saturday afternoon January 20 at 4:00PM at the school. Students and other children need not attend this session.

A registration fee of $21.38 per family must be sent to the address above in order to hold a space. Other fees (with tax included) are as follows, payable at the Parent Orientation Session

Monthly Tuition First Child $74.81
Monthly Tuition Second Child $53.44

Materials for Junior Music Course $53.44

Please call Peggy Givens, Enrollment Counselor, at 296-3369, to register for the class(es) of your choice. Also, call this number with any questions. Thank you for your interest in our program, and for considering giving your child this gift of music for a lifetime.

Winter Storm 2006, Tijeras

Image taken by Sharon G.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Winter Storm 2006, West Albuquerque (Ventana Ranch)

Images labeled from top to bottom
1)The crew after their first giant snowperson ever...note the mischevious look on the little one as she can not wait to get a snowball to hit her dad and sister!
2) Guess the garbage truck is not coming?!
3) The orange glow that lite the night from all the light reflecting off the clouds and snow! The camera could not capture the beauty.
4)Lonely giant snowperson!
5)No street!
6)Is that the yeti, abomidable snowman, sasquatch? They wear pink hats right? Nope just my daughter...too funny that my hubby got her in that exact pose...and my other daughter in the mix!
Images by Mike D. (care of Tabbi O.)

Winter Storm 2006, Sedillo (East Mountains)

Images taken by Elisheva L. I love the one with the snow falling!

Winter Storm 2006 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque

They received 15 inches on base! Love the snowballs...these kids are going to remember this winter forever! Images taken by Dawn W.

Winter Storm 2006,Northern Rio Rancho

Images titles read from the bottom up!
1)Jenna W. peeking out of our igloo
2)Jeremiah W. and Jackson W. inside their igloo
3)Front of our house. Notice our Snowman "Flakey" is buried under a blanket of snow (see next picture)
4)Flakey the Snowman with Jeremiah W.(left), Jenna W., and Jackson W (right)
5)Yes, it has snowed 14" in Northern Rio Rancho!
Images taken by Lisa W.

Winter Storm 2006, Rio Rancho (Enchanted Hills) NM

Can you believe those are those decorative candy canes that you can barely see the tops of? And that poor dog does not look happy to have to go out in that snow!

Images taken by Michelle M.

Winter Storm 2006 Edgewood, NM

Photos taken by Lisa J.

Blog, Kids You Don't Have to Go to College

For most of your young lives, you’ve heard your mom and I occasionally talk about your futures by saying that someday you’ll travel off to college and get this thing called a degree that will show everyone that you are an expert in something and that will lead you to getting a good job that will make you happy and make you able to raise a family of your own someday. At least, that’s what your mom and I have in our heads when we talk about it. But, and I haven’t told your mom this yet, I’ve changed my mind. I want you to know that you don’t have to go to college if you don’t want to, and that there are other avenues to achieving that future that may be more instructive, more meaningful, and more relevant than getting a degree.

Here's the link:

Friday, December 29, 2006

AAA High School Travel Challenge

You have to be at least 13 years old and homeschoolers are welcome to participate! Have fun, Tabbi

2007 AAA High School Travel Challenge

The AAA Travel High School Challenge is being repeated in 2007! The nation's largest network of leisure travel agencies is rewarding students for using their GPS (Global Positioning Skills) rather than their GPA. The AAA Travel High School Challenge aims to increase travel and geographic literacy and encourages interest in travel, tourism and hospitality careers among high school students. Ninth through 12th grade public, private and home-schooled students throughout the United States can put their travel knowledge to the test for great prizes and a chance to compete in the national finals in Orlando, FL.

New this year…there are two types of scholarships available – unrestricted awards for any student with travel trivia and geography skills and travel-specific scholarships for those interested in careers in the travel and tourism industry – every student who enrolls in the Challenge can be eligible for both.

Designed by travel industry educator Dr. Marc Mancini and sponsored by AAA preferred partners, the Challenge is a travel-oriented contest with over $100,000 in scholarships and prizes up for grabs!

2007 sponsors include: Bank of America, Continental Airlines, Hard Rock Live Orlando, Marriott, Pleasant Holidays, and Universal Orlando.

Parental Rights Constitutional Amendment Update

Received this post from a FL yahoo group I am on (we used to live there & they are a great group should we ever move back)...the link goes to their website with more information...Tabbi

Parental rights constitutional amendment update
HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) is renewing efforts to
push for a "parental rights" consititutional amendment. We've added
commentary and resources on the Parental Rights Constitutional
Amendment issue in our National Home Education Issues section:

You can also find resources for other issues for consideration there,
as well as tons of learning resources in our Resource Guide section.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sierra County Homeschool Association Social Event

Received this from another local email group....Tabbi

The Sierra County Homeschool Association (740-1988) will hold a homeschool
social event at the Youth & Family Community Center ( 300 Daniels 894-4979) in
Truth or Consequences on Jan 3 at 3:45 pm. We will make a Medicine Wheel. All
ages are invited. SCHA members get in free, the general public pays $1.

Kim Audette

Jan 2, NOVA, The Mummy Who Would be King

join NOVA as it begins its winter/spring season with the rebroadcast
of "The Mummy Who Would Be King," a program that seeks to reveal the
hidden identity of a mummy that lay neglected for decades in a Niagara
Falls museum. Could it be the remains of a long-lost pharaoh? Discover
how archeologists tried to find out. (Subjects covered:
anthropology/archeology, forensics, world history)






Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Online resource & Book-The Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme

I have never read this book, so if is something questionable to your beliefs you might want to read it first, but the CABQ library system carries it and I have placed it on hold to read....I found this flyer at the bookstore and it had a link that used various curriculum and the book. It looked very interesting and we tend to use (as many of us do) a lot of fiction for our learning!--Enjoy, Tabbi

"Covers ten curriculum areas: English and Language Arts, Math and logic, Social Sciences, Science, Mythology, Art, Nautical Studies, Geography, Music and Environmental Science.

Uses vocabulary (elementary through high school) to reach students of all proficiencies.

An easy to use format allows users to select, customize, print materials in a fraction of the time it would take to design and construct their own.

Designed by an education professional and field-tested with kids of all ages.

Download at

January 31st, NM Homeschool Community Support Night

As usual this is a free event, please see the information below to RSVP and I really hope to see you all in the New Year! Look for speakers to be attending some of these nights in 2007!--Tabitha Orr

New Mexico Home School Community Support Night

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

Topic this month: COPING WITH BURNOUT! What do you do? Ideas from fellow homeschoolers might give you the boost you need! Let's ring in the New Year fresh and renewed with a light spirit!

This is a FREE monthly meeting for new and 'old' homeschoolers to come and discuss curriculums, great books, online resources, frustrations, share ideas or projects, provide shoulders to cry on, and just in general be there for the joyful process that is homeschooling.

Parents Only! 6:30-8:30PM

RSVP's Required: Tabitha Orr, 792-4110 or

Location: Title Wave Books

1408 Eubank NE in the Princess Jeanne Shopping Center at the corner of Eubank and Constitution 505-294-9495

Shop that evening and get 15% off your purchases using cash, check, charge, excludes trade credit.

Meet with other members of our growing community,see curriculum, resources and learn about the many ways of homeschooling that others are using! Find something that fits YOUR family!

Bring your favorite books and/or curriculums so that we can have a variety. Please put your name in every book you bring to avoid any confusion!

Bring paper and pencils as there are always great websites, ideas and books floating around that you will just want to write down!

Snacks and drinks are welcome but not required!

Also available from fellow homeschool mom:

Amy Holston, Independent Consultant,

(505) 715-0103 , Bright Minds the Critical Thinking Co. at home!

December 27th, Homeschool Night Cancelled

We have decided to cancel this month and will look forward to beginning again in the New Year! We will push this topic back to January and then in February I am looking to having community speakers come to our monthly meetings! Email me if you have any questions!--Tabitha Orr

New Mexico Home School Community Support Night

Wednesday, December 27th, 2006

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Homeschool Band, Albuquerque Area

I received this from a fellow local homeschooler, contact this person for more information: Pauline Clements is the contact person at 255-0567

Hi Tabitha,

In reading through all of the wonderful information that was sent out I thought I would send information to you about the Mid-Rio Grande Homeschool Band which meets on Monday's and Thursday's in the afternoon. We meet at Netherwood Church of Christ San Mateo and Indian School. This is a great opportunity for kids as young as first grade to join in a group of other kids and start playing an instrument.

Lamar, CO, Snow Goose Festival

From the Southern Colorado Homeschool Yahoo group:

This Snow Goose Festival in Lamar sounds very interesting!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Great Unschooling Article

I received this from another list I am on --Enjoy!--Tabbi

From the Chicago Sun-Times
(here's the URL),CST-NWS-unskul24.article

and an excerpt:
"Eighteen-year-old Abby Stewart got word this month that she won early
admission to elite Princeton University, even though she has never set foot
in a high school classroom.

She also wrapped up a huge challenge -- dancing the Snow Queen role in "The
Nutcracker Suite" at the Athenaeum Theatre -- largely because she has never
set foot in a high school classroom. "

Nice article, without the obligatory opinion of some educrat somewhere
predicting terminal stupidity and social retardation.

Article_College Without Tests, Washington Post

No Tests? College's Students Must Relearn How to LearnBy Susan Kinzie

Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, December 25, 2006; Page B01

By the end of last year, ElizabethFleming had taken the SAT, the PSAT, four AP exams and seven IB exams.At Richard Montgomery High School, her classmates agonized over thescores they needed to get into a good college, and the entire jitterymonth of May was spent cramming for exams.
This year, she got a culture shock.

Fleming enrolled at St. John's College, a tiny liberal arts schoolin Annapolis where scores are irrelevant: no exams to speak of, and nogrades unless students request them.
She went from one extreme toanother. In a country where "benchmarking" and "high-stakes testing"continue to be buzzwords, many Washington area high schools stand outfor their competitiveness, their emphasis on testing and the stressstudents feel to get good numbers. "It escalates every year,"independent college counselor Shirley Bloomquist said.
College isa change for most students, a shift from memorization to analysis, fromweekly did-you-do-the-homework quizzes to weighty final papers. "Inthis era of No Child Left Behind, these students that will be coming tocollege are tested within an inch of their lives so regularly and sointensely," said John Bader, associate dean for academic programs andadvising at Johns Hopkins University, who is co-writing a book onadmissions and success.
Some college departments, such aspolitical science, do not give college credit for AP scores, becausethe tests are mostly multiple choice. In many college courses, Badersaid, "Most of what you learn is that there is no clear answer. Thereis no right or wrong. Yet when you test all the time, you're of coursesuggesting there is."
For freshmen such as Fleming who arewhipsawed from pressure-cooker, high-achieving high schools to collegesthat take a longer-term, more philosophical view of learning, the firstsemester is an education in itself.
Almost all have to learn anew way of learning. Without scores, they have to decide: Can theyprogress without measurement? Or is it possible to measure the thingsthat really matter?

The rest of this article can be found at:

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Scholarships for Community College Students

Landsdowne, VA – The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation has opened the nominations
process for the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship Program. The Jack Kent
Cooke Foundation will award up to $30,000 annually per recipient to help
students from community colleges pursue four year degrees at any accredited
college or university in the United States or abroad. Last year, the
Foundation received nearly 700 nominations nationwide for these awards. The
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarships can provide funding for tuition, room
and board, required fees, and books for the length of the undergraduate
degree, generally two years. Each award can total up to $30,000 annually,
though the amounts will vary based on such factors as the cost of the
institution each recipient attends.
The Foundation plans to award approximately 50 scholarships nationally for the
Spring 2007 . It will renew each award in subsequent years based upon student
Minimum Eligibility:
Nominees must, at a minimum, meet all of the following eligibility
• Nominees must be current students and enrolled at //// County College at
the time of nomination and have completed 32 college credits or more by
December 31, 2006.
• Nominees must plan to pursue baccalaureate degrees full-time at four-year
institutions starting in Fall 2007.
• Nominees must currently have a cumulative college GPA of 3.50 or better on
a 4.0 scale. This cumulative GPA must include all college-level courses.
• Nominees must have unmet financial need.
• Nominees must not have previously been nominated for the Jack Kent Cooke
Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship.
Interested students should visit the Foundation's website for complete information and application

Albuquerque Astronomical Society

The Albuquerque Astronomical Society
Events are mostly based out of Albuquerque but also occur at some sites around NM.
Check out for Star parties and events in your area!

Vending Machines for Books

This might be a fun thing to do...

Keep an eye out for this, supposed to be starting in some libraries next
year. It's a vending machine that prints and binds public domain books
on demand:


Saturday, December 23, 2006

Handwriting Without Tears Workshops...Albuquerque & more

They are also going to be in other areas if you are not close to Albuquerque just check their schedule then once you click on the link below 'workshop page' you can register for the workshop nearest you! Not sure what the cost is I did not have time to research it... Have fun, Tabbi

If anyone is interested. We use this program and it’s great. I emailed the coordinator and the workshops are open to homeschoolers, therapists, teachers or anyone interested in the program.


A Handwriting Without Tears Workshop
Coming to an Area Near You!

December 20, 2006

Hi JoAnne,

Happy New Year! 2007 is approaching and so are Handwriting Without Tears’ spring workshops!

Jan WorkshopNeed HWT training and contact hours? We have workshops coming up in your area and there are still some spaces available for:

January 19-20 Phoenix, AZ

Pre-K Workshop: January 19

Printing & Cursive Workshop: January 20

February 2-3 Albuquerque, NM

Pre-K Workshop: February 2

Printing & Cursive Workshop: February 3

February 9 Dallas, TX

Print Tool ™ Workshop: February 9

February 16-17 Denver, CO

Pre-K Workshop: February 16

Printing & Cursive Workshop: February 17

June 22 Houston, TX

Print Tool ™ Workshop: June 22

For further information, objectives, course outline, registration information, or a list of the 150 other scheduled HWT workshops, go to the Workshop Page or contact our National Workshop Coordinators at 402-492-2766 or coordinator@

We look forward to seeing you at one of the HWT workshops!


Handwriting Without Tears National Workshop Team



phone: 888-983-8409


Albuquerque, Christmas Eve Event in Old Town

Forwarding an email I received...I have never been to the store so I can not tell you about it, you might want to call the number below if you are interested..>Tabbi
Blessings to you all...This new store is run by dear, sweet, friends of, I want to let you know that they have this store...and encourage you to stop in sometime...
Happiness and Peace to all,
Barbara Besser

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Heaven has come to Albuquerque Old Town just in time for Christmas .

We want you to be the first one to know about it!

Our new store, Heaven on Earth, is located on the corner of Mountain and San Felipe (#506 San Felipe).

We would sincerely appreciate the opportunity to meet and share the Holiday Spirit with you,

Friday, December, 22nd and on Sunday, December 24th.

The purpose of Heaven on Earth is to provide our customers and community with an inviting place to shop that offers an experience of inspiration, relaxation and enjoyment. It is a place to unwind, unravel and unwrap your everyday cares and step into the soothing comfort of Heaven on Earth. Our unique product line of home, garden, culinary and educational items offers a perfect fit to treat yourself or to celebrate that special occasion with just the right gift.

We hope you will join us for our Christmas Eve event begins at 7:00 p.m. Tie up your loose ends, enjoy the Old Town tradition of the lighting of the Luminaries, and receive holiday cheer as our Christmas Angel, reading Twas The Night Before Christmas, blesses you and your kids.

Please contact Joyea Pascoe, our Community Relations Director, at 459-6212 if you have any questions or would like further information

Reading Rainbow Young Authors & Illustrators Contest 2007

Click here to find the PBS station running the contest in your area:

In some areas there are local free writer workshops that will work with the kids on their stories...on the KNME site click on the link 'Free Workshops' to see where and when they are!

For the Albuquerque Area click here for KNME site:

Friday, December 22, 2006

Documentary on the Profoundly Gifted

1. Documentary about the Profoundly Gifted

Recently I learned about a documentary that is currently being
developed on profoundly gifted kids and their families. The
producer, Dan Snyder, is a friend of a friend. From what I
understand, he spoke with many gifted advocates and experts during
earlier phases of the project. Now he would like to speak with
families who may be interested in participating, ideally those who
are willing to consider letting him film "a day in the life".

I spoke with him earlier this month, and it seems that he is trying
to do an honest portrayal about what is unique about life in a
profoundly gifted family - what the special educational needs are,
how that affects family life, etc. I thought perhaps some people on
this list would be interested, so I'm passing the information along.
Please understand that this posting is not an endorsement of the
project, but purely informational to those who are interested.

Feel free to contact him directly with any questions (his project
description is below):

Daniel Snyder
Executive Producer
Mercury Productions

January at the Albuquerque Museum

January is a busy month at The Albuquerque Museum. Don't miss the new exhibitions opening on January 21 & 28.


January at The Albuquerque Museum

Opening Sunday, January 21
Extraordinary Bodies: Photographs from the Mütter Museum
This exhibition places work by current photographers in juxtaposition with powerful images from the Mütter Museum's renowned medical historical photography collection. On display through April 15. Opening day lecture at 1 p.m. by exhibition curator Laura Lindgren.

Descansos: The Sacred Landscape of New Mexico
Photographs by Joan E. Alessi
An exhibition of forty color photographs depicting descansos (roadside memorials) from various roadways throughout Northern New Mexico. See them through April 15.

Opening Sunday, January 28
Unlimited Boundaries: Dichotomy of Place in Contemporary Native American Art
In collaboration with the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
An invitational exhibition featuring work by eleven nationally and internationally known artists from the United States and Canada, eight of whom who are from New Mexico. These artists were selected for their cutting-edge concepts as contemporary artists. The Albuquerque Museum will display multiple works by each invited artist while the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center will feature one small-scale work by each invited artist.
Artists who will participate in the exhibition include: Norman Akers, Steven Deo, Bob Haozous, Gregory Lomayesva, Nora Naranjo-Morse, Shelley Niro, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith (with Neal Ambrose-Smith), Diego Romero, Duane Slick, C. Maxx Stevens, and Emmi Whitehorse. On display though April 15.
Exhibitions Closing Sunday, January 7
Biennial Southwest
The first regional juried exhibition of its kind presenting more than one hundred contemporary art works from New Mexico, Texas and Arizona.
Sordid and Sacred: The Beggars in Rembrandt’s Etchings
Selections from the John Villarino Collection
A wonderful opportunity to view 35 rare etchings by famed Dutch artist Rembrandt van Rijn. Sordid and Sacred was organized by Landau Traveling Exhibitions, Los Angeles.
January Activities
Free General Admission Days at The Albuquerque Museum
The first Wednesday of the month is a free general admission day. General admission to the Museum is also free every Sunday morning from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Saturdays in January - Family Art Workshops – 1 – 2:30 pm
All supplies are provided. Free with Museum general admission.

Also on display
Haunted Highways
A collection of photographs by the late Ralph Looney, longtime journalist for the Albuquerque Tribune, featuring ghost towns of New Mexico and portraits of the people who lived there. The images were taken by Looney for his book Haunted Highways: The Ghost Towns of New Mexico published in 1968. On display through June 2007.

The Sewell Family: Old Town and the Tourist Pottery Market
The story of the Sewell family’s role in the preservation of the Old Town Armijo properties, and the subsequent revival of the local tourist pottery market. On display through August 2007.

Alburquerque Conmemorado – Alburquerque Commemorated
From its history collections and photograph archives The Albuquerque Museum presents artifacts that, brought together for the first time, commemorate people, places and events in our city’s history.

Common Ground: Art in New Mexico
Common Ground is a permanent art exhibition highlighting a significant amount of museum-owned works from the late 19th century to the present day. It is displayed chronologically giving visitors a glimpse into the evolution of art in New Mexico.

Four Centuries: A History of Albuquerque
A permanent exhibition of local history depicting four hundred years of the history of Albuquerque and the Rio Grande Valley region. Look over early maps, arms and armor and weaving. Learn about trade routes, colonial life and statehood era relics.

Leslie E. Venzuela
Public Relations & Marketing
The Albuquerque Museum of Art & History
phone: 505-243-7255

OFFCenter Art Studio, Albuquerque

I received this some time ago from a local homeschooler and I apologize it got lost in the shuffle of emails and so I am sending it out now. This is a local community art program with a gallery and shop. I seem to remember some time in the past that they were getting a lot of homeschoolers coming and they felt they were more for low income local residents and some homeschoolers said they felt they were no longer welcome but that was some time ago. Anyhow, if you are interested I would call them and check out their policies 505-247-1172.--Tabbi
OFFCenter Children's Studio

Children come to OFFCenter with family members or with groups of their peers. Special open studios are available for children three days a week (tues,wed,&thur from 3-5) when they can make art using the wonderful variety of materials available in the studio. Groups of children come to the studio for organized activities from local schools and community organizations. OFFCenter staff also does outreach projects to make art more available to children and their families. Private groups can arrange for workshops or parties for a fee.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Peace Collage Tryouts, January 21st 2007

This is a wonderful project...seeking contributions of poetry, visual art, and performing arts. Tryouts/Auditions are Jan. 21st at Very Special Arts Auditorium on 4th St. at 3PM???
Please go the website for further details.
This is an excellent program for your community.
Happy Holidays to all,
Barbara Besser

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Some snow photos from 12/2006 NM Snow storm

From top to bottom the official dirt covered New Mexican snow two photos are facing east towards the Sandias from westside Albuquerque...last photo is facing north towards Santa Fe from the westside of Albuquerque

Homeschooled Child Art Prodigy

Please read and share with your children, if you choose...
Happy Holidays,
from Barbara

make sure to go to her website!!!!!

Born underwater at home, on July 9, 1994, in Mount Morris, Illinois,
to the atheistic stay-at-home Lithuanian homemaker mother, and an
American father, culinary arts instructor, chef and dietary manager.

• Lived in Illinois, Missouri, Colorado and Idaho, experiencing
poverty and affluence.

• Having attended both public and private schools, now is home-
schooled with her three brothers, Delfini 14, Jean Lu 12 and Ilia 3
years old.

• Began drawing at 4, and painting at 6, teaching herself and
learning mostly from her own keen observation and study.

• Speaks four languages: Lithuanian,
Russian, English and Sign Language

• Heritage:
Lithuanian, Jewish, Polish, Hungarian, Slovakian, Russian, Bohemian,
Chinese, French, Danish and German

• At 4, had a life-changing spiritual
transformation, converting the family to Christianity.

• At age 7 began writing poetry and aphorisms.

• Her poems often arrive fully conceived.

• The inspiration for her art and literature comes from her
visions, dreams, observations of people,
nature and God.

• Paints from imagination, reference materials and models.

• Favorite size canvases: 48 x 60

• Considers her style: Akianism -
a universal blend of realism and

• Wants people to find hope in her

• Has the same goal with each painting: to be inspiration for
others and to be the gift to God.

• Favorite medium: acrylics for full figures, and oil paints for
large portraits.

• Rises at 4 a.m. five-six days a week to get ready to paint in the
studio and write; works for about three hours a day.

• Often works over a hundred hours on a painting, producing 8 to 10
paintings a year.

• Usually makes many sketches before painting.

• Works on one painting at a time.

• Favorite subject: people and spiritual subjects.

• Has "start-to-finish" demonstration videos of her painting.

• Favorite activities and hobbies: art, poetry, chess, trampoline,
piano, dancing, reading and helping people.

• Likes about herself:
"sensitivity to people".

• Does not like about herself:

• Assesses her own character:
"daring heart and cautious mind".

• Her biggest wish:
"that everyone would love God and one another".

• Her life goal: to share her love for God and people around the

Shared Great Websites II

Since the discussion recently on art programs I received this one from another list and it is done by a homeschooling family, I think it looks like a great product: and goes from K thru high school

Another one I have heard about but never seen in person is:
Atelier-Video Based art curriculum for homeschoolers

Here are some more sent to me today by a community member:

Renzulli Learning Club forming online

I received this off another group I am on and thought some of you might be interested, email Juli at her email below, she is in CA but the group can form with people from anywhere I believe...the website is below to check it out and email her for more info!--Tabbi

I am in no way affiliated with Renzulli, but I want to use their
online enrichment & differentiation activities and resources for my
daughter. This system is currently only available for school
"groups". I am working with Renzulli to gather a group of 20 or more
interested parents of gifted or homeschool kids who are interested in
participating. The current quote for dues is ~$40/child annually.

Details below. Please review the website and let me know if you are
interested and for how many children.


"Juli Idleman"

The Renzulli Learning System is an exciting new on-line program that
matches students' interests and learning styles to many different
opportunities designed to provide enriched, challenging learning. All
of the activities and options in the Renzulli Learning System are
based on The Enrichment Triad Model, which has been cited as the most
widely used plan for enrichment and talent development in the world.

In the Renzulli Learning System, the Renzulli ProfilerTM generates an
individual profile for each student. Click here to read a sample
profile. Then an individualized Enrichment Differentiation collection
of Internet and downloadable resources are made available that matches
student interests, learning styles, and preferred modes of expression.

Test Drive is available here:



Free online literature

Scott McNealy's Welcome to Curriki
Access to basic knowledge and learning tools for our children should never be proprietary. In fact, this can and should be a basic right of every child. Yet, over 100 million kids around the world do not have access to these primary education tools. We want to change this. The benefits to providing universal access to an education are endless.
At Curriki, the sole mission is to educate. By building a world class learning environment that is community developed and supported, and publishing it for free on the Web, Curriki works to ensure that anyone, from anywhere can participate.
This is about No Child, Parent or Teacher Held Back. This is about delivering access to free, quality curricula so that kids can go as fast as they can. This is about unleashing, not stifling, those who could solve some of our biggest problems, like avian flu or global warming.
Welcome to Curriki. We hope that children will learn as much as they can as fast as they can. We hope that everyone will share curricula, insights and lessons (and yes, funding) to help eliminate the educationdivide. By contributing and participating, you will personally make a difference. And, you may even learn a little yourself.
Scott McNealy Chairman and Co-Founder, Sun Microsystems

Shared Great Websites (early reading) (weekly spelling lists) (math enrichment) (a massive multiplayer game just for kids)

Found in the ABQ Journal in an article on game playing, ACT, GRE free online test prep is the only website that offers students access to
comprehensive free online test preparation courses for the SAT, ACT,
and GRE. How do we do it? earns revenue from sponsorships
and licensing.'s online test preparation courses are
totally free! By creating an account you can access a customized course
that includes user-friendly tutorials, practice sessions that
dynamically adapt to each student's ability level, a vocabulary
builder, and more

Free Access to

Last week, AwesomeStories - the subscription-based web site (with 125,000 links to primary sources at
national archives, libraries, government and academic websites worldwide)
and freely used in 25,000 schools and libraries - announced a holiday gift
for students:

"As our holiday gift to students, their parents and the general public, we
are waiving the $9.95 annual subscription fee. There will be no 'group
access' for these memberships, but students (and their parents, if they
wish) can receive free individual access to the site by simply requesting it
with this form. We recognize
that many students, and their families, cannot afford 'extras' like on-line
subscription fees. In an effort to encourage children, and others, to read -
and to assist them as they use the Internet to research topics and locate
primary sources - we are saying 'Happy Holidays!'"

With their individual password, people can access the database from any
computer connected to the Internet. A story about the science of spiders
was recently released to coincide with the above announcement and the
opening of "Charlotte's Web." It is anticipated that stories behind the
films "Apocalypto" and "Eragon" will be on the site this week. A privacy
policy is strictly

Free academic-group status - for educators, schools and libraries - remains
available, without restrictions, by submitting this form.

Carole Bos
Dean's Advisory Board
Grand Valley State University

Youth Wanted for NBC's "1 vs. 100" TV Show

YOUTH wanted for NBC's "1 vs. 100" (urgent)

This message is forwarded to this list at the
request of Ms. Good. This is not a CTY endorsement.

>>>>Dear Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth:

>I was referred to you all by Nora Ho of the California Gifted and
>Talented Program and wanted to reach out to you all as she felt you
>might know some of the exceptional children who might fit the
>billing. Would love to speak to you as soon as possible if you do.
>Here's a little email I've been forwarding around. Feel free to
>forward to any kids/parents who you think might be interested in
>NBC is currently seeking GIFTED & TALENTED CHILDREN such as
>"Spelling Bee Champs", "Kid Moguls (i.e. started their own
>business), "Young Kids in College ( i.e. age 13ish)", "science fair
>winners" & "Kid Record Holders" for their HIT Primetime game show,
>"1 VS. 100", which is hosted by Bob Saget and airs Friday Nights at
>8 PM.
>>>>We are looking to shoot an all child show on JANUARY 10th in
>>>>Culver City, CA and would therefore appreciate any leads you
>>>>could give us (ASAP!!) and appreciate you forwarding this on to
>>>>any parents who would be interested in having their child appear
>>>>on our show to compete for 1 million dollars!
>>>>Please note: NBC does not pay travel and therefore anyone
>>>>submitting for the show must be willing to pay for their own
>>>>travel expenses.
>>>>We do have special hotel rates at nearby hotels, though.
>>>>For the parents:
>>>>>If you and your child are willing to travel at your own
>>>>>expense, we're interested in having your child on the show.
>>>>>Please let me know ASAP. Please note: to be on the "child
>>>>>genius" show, Your child must be age: 9 to age 17 on the shoot
>>>>>day (January 10, 2007).
>>>>>if they are older, they cannot as they are no longer considered
>>>>>a "child".
>>>>>If interested please fill out the attached application and
>>>>>email back to me with a PHOTO as soon as possible. We're trying
>>>>>to book this around school holidays.. so please get your school
>>>>>to sign off before you all leave for vacation. Also.. PLEASE
>>>>>LABEL EVERYTHING with your child's name. I would hate for your
>>>>>child's paperwork to get lost in the shuffle.
>>>>>In the application you should make sure to emphasize your
>>>>>child's accomplishments and reveal their personality. we need
>>>>>to know if they are shy or outgoing!
>>>>>To appear on the show you must have the CHILD WORK PERMIT
>>>>>filled out and signed & stamped by your school.
>>>>>We will need ORIGINAL sent to us ASAP. Copies will not be
>>>>>accepted. we will then handle the process of acquiring the
>>>>>permits once we've received the work permit application. if
>>>>>your child already has a current work permit, you can send me
>>>>>a copy in the mail, but please put a post-it on it that says,
>>>>>"will bring original to shoot day".
>>>>>My Mailing Address: (for filled out work permit) Applications
>>>>>can be emailed or faxed.
>>>>Thank you all!!
>>>>>Alicia Good
>>>>>Specialty Casting
>>>>>NBC's "1 vs. 100"
>>>>>The Culver Studios
>>>>>9336 W. Washington Blvd.
>>>>>Building O
>>>>>Culver City, CA 90232
>>>>>work: 310-202-3520
>>>>fax: 310-202-3455

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Spring Elementary Level Classes, Cedar Crest NM

In Him Homeschoolers Spring Classes,
(open to all homeschoolers, in all groups)
All classes are held on Fridays, and start on January 5th, ending on April 27th. Classes will be held at the Community Church located at 43 Frost Rd, in Cedar Crest. About 15 minutes from Albuquerque. To register for any of the below classes or to ask questions, contact Lisa at There is a one time facility fee of 10.00 per family for half a year, if not previously paid.

Elementary Spanish Classes
10:00 to 11:00
Come and learn a new language through music, games, stories and fun. Learn colors, numbers, animals and much, much more. Cost of class includes up to 3 children in the same family, class is geared towards children 3 to 7 years of age, but older and younger are welcome too. Cost of classes is 105.00 for the entire spring session, due by January 12th. Checks are payable to In Him Homeschoolers. Teacher is Joy Payne,

Elementary Art Class

11:00 to 11:30

Art Information:

Atelier is a video-based art curriculum for ages 4-15 specifically designed to meet the needs of the home schooling community. The program stems from the roots of "Art Attack" which was developed for school districts and Atelier was developed for homeschoolers. The program consists of a 10 minute video presentation on a specific element of art and then engages them in a project. The supplies are fairly basic; chalks, sketch paper, construction paper, glue, etc. There is also an art appreciation program that corresponds. The students learn about different artists and we learn how to look at the different aspects of a painting.

There is no cost to join the lesson but I will send out a supplies list that can be divided up for all those that are attending. Teacher is Tania Peasley

Elementary Music Class

11:30 - 12:00

This class will give an overview of music from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century. We will cover how music affected society and the church in each era. We will discuss how music changed during each period, and who were the major composers in each age. We will listen to many excerpts of music from these composers as well as learn about their lives. Cost of class is 5.00 per family to cover expenses. Teacher is Jennifer Stull.

Week 1: Music in the Middle Ages
Week 2: Music in the Renaissance
Week 3: Changes in Music from the Renaissance to the Baroque Period
Week 4: Johann Sebastian Bach. His life and Music
Week 5: Antonio Vivaldi and the Violin
Week 6: Mozart and the Classical Era
Week 7: Mozart and the Opera
Week 8: Beethoven. His early life and works
Week 9: Beethoven. His late life and influence on the Romatic Era.
Week 10: Age of the Great Pianists.
Week 11: Wagner and the Age of Opera.
Week 12: Italian Opera of the Late Romantic Era.
Week 13: The Impressionists.
Week 14: The Great Russian Composers.
Week 15: American Composers of the 20th Century.
Week 16: Age of Jazz.

Elementary Drama Class

1:00 to 2:30

Fun, fun, fun will be the main focus for elementary aged children this spring who want to be a part of a simple production offered. We will choose a play focusing on character qualities and morals that will speak to young and old alike and should be approximately one hour long. Besides fun for the children, this class will address and strengthen creativity, teamwork, focus, memorizing and doing your best. Parents need to be willing to work with the children on their parts at home and understand that casting will be divided into two groupings. Only students in grades 4, 5 and 6 will be considered for the parts that demand more memorization. Grades K through 3rd will be selected for the lesser demanding parts. Everyone is guaranteed a part and fun! We need a minimum of 15 students but will limit to 25.

There will be two mandatory dress rehearsals on April 12 & 13, with one performance on Saturday, April 14th at 6pm.

$50 per student, $25 for additional siblings, and if you have not done so already a $10.00 facility fee will also be collected.

Teacher: Melanie Meis

This class is currently closed to registration, there is a waiting list, if you wish to put your child on it, contact Lisa at the above email address.

Kwanzaa Celebration, Albuquerque (Put on by local homeschool family.)

Karamu, Fiesta, Celebrate!


Please join us on the Fifth Day of Kwanzaa to celebrate with a feast known as Karamu! There will be eating, dancing, drumming, lighting of the Kinara, story-telling and observation of the seven principles in action!

Saturday, December 30, 2006



The Albuquerque Bahá'í Center
5700 Ouray NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87120

Kwanzaa is a non-religious, African-American, cultural celebration of life, of hope, and of the future. It is a time for family, friends, and community to grow and strengthen together through the recognition of Nguzo Saba, the Seven Principles:

Umoja (Unity)

Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)

Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility)

Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)

Nia (Purpose)

Kuumba (Creativity)

Imani (Faith)

The Albuquerque Bahá 'í Center is located just north of I-40 off of Coors at the corner of 57th and Ouray. From Coors, travel west on Quail, then south on 57th to Ouray.
RSVP on or before Saturday, December 23rd

Phone : 505-898-4454 Gerri Rivers

Please participate in creating our Karamu by bringing:

1. An African-American dish to pass (recipes will be provided upon RSVP)

2. A small, educational or cultural gift from each child in your family, under the age of 15, for our zawadi (gift) exchange. Preferably, gifts should be $5 or less and homemade. Suggestions include a bookmark, book, picture frame or picture.

Please contact Gerri at 898-4454 or Deborah at 260-4837 or check our website (below) for more information:

Hosts: The Rivers Family


(Let's Pull Together!!!)

Albuquerque Area Homeschool Science & Engineering Fair, January 19th

It's that time of year again – time to get ready for the Albuquerque Area Homeschool Science & Engineering Fair. This year our fair will be held Friday, January 19th, 2007, at Heights First Church of the Nazarene on Paseo del Norte (between Wyoming and Ventura on the north side of the road – same place that we've held it the last several years).
For more information contact Heather

Space Center Houston, Home School Day

Check out more events and special overnight things at their website!
School Visits Home School Day

February 23, 2007

All NEW Hands-On Activity Stations!
Home Schoolers can take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to participate in exciting hands-on activities and gain valuable experience with science concepts. From Space Bingo to a Moon and Mars fossil dig, your students are sure to enjoy this exciting opportunity!

Spacesuit Demonstrations
Space is a hostile environment requiring special equipment for survival. During this demonstration, you will learn about the construction of the spacesuits, how they have changed over time, and the spacesuits being designed for extended missions to Mars!

NASA's Educator Resource Center Presentations
These presentations are designed to give home schoolers information of NASA's educational resources and internet websites.

Giant Screen Presentations
To Be an Astronaut is a movie made especially for Space Center Houston and shown in the Northrop Grumman Theater, which features a five story screen. This film chronicles the life of an astronaut beginning with their selection, through the complex training, and up to the final countdown for launch.
Inside the International Space Station
Inside the International Space Station is a movie presentation provided by the Discovery Channel and is shown on the five story screen in Northrop Grumman Theater. This film captivates the imagination as astronaunts and cosmonaunts show what it


Free Curriculum for 30 days, Rocky Mountain Education Connection

Gee, something free just before Christmas. Imagine that. ;-)

Of course, you have to volunteer to be a guinea pig! Who feels
adventurous? :-D

Okay, here goes. Time4Learning, RMEC's new sponsor/advertiser, is
looking for a few homeschooling parents to use and review their
online learning program for one month. The owner, John, wants the
reviews to be candid (by that I mean honest --- pros, cons, warts and
all! --- can you believe it?) and based completely on your first hand
user experience. Is there anyone interested in a free one month
membership who'd agree to write a review at the end? Please know that
your review will be published on the RMEC website on the
'Time4Learning ad page' and viewable to the world at large for at
least a year. I don't need to publish your whole name; just your
first name, last initial and city/state. The only stipulation is that
the review:
- spells correctly
- includes a few links back to their site
- and is, again, based solely on first hand personal experiences.

Any takers? :-) Please reply off-list to


Rocky Mountain Education Connection

Monday, December 18, 2006

Many Lights of Christmas Drive Thru, Colorado Springs

Dec. 20, 21, 22, 23 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Many Lights of Christmas Drive Thru

Colorado Springs

Springs First Church of the Nazarene 4120 E. Fountain Blvd. Admission: Free

****Lighted, musical Christmas drive-through with actors and children portraying winter and Christmas scenes; a life-sized gingerbread house, a 40' tall lighted castle, Cinderella's carriage, concluding with a living nativity

****for more info call 596-5119

Santa Fe Events Weeks of Dec 18 & 24

SF Children's Museum

Friday, December 22, 2006
Winter Solstice Celebration
Join us for our annual Winter Solstice Celebration
with bonfires, storytelling, our farolito labyrinth
and more!
Great Winter fun for the whole family!

Admission is free.
Where: Santa Fe Children's Museum
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Tuesday, December 26 - Saturday, December 30, 2006
Holiday Performances for Families
Holiday Concert Series
nightly 6 - 7pm

$5 per performance per person over age 1
($20 for all 5 performances)

Enjoy live performing arts in a family-friendly

Dec 26 - Classic Clan Tynker
Dec 27 - The Spirit of African Drums by Akeem Ayanniyi
and Agalu
Dec 28 - Native American Flute and Spanish Guitar by
Ronald Roybal
Dec 29 - Jazz Vocals by Susan Abod
Dec 30 - New Mexico Folksongs by Robert Martinez
Where: Santa Fe Children's Museum
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Sunday, December 31 - Monday, January 1, 2006
Kids Night Out-New Year's Eve Sleepover
An all-night slumber party for 1st - 6th graders!
The Museum's indoor exhibits will be open for the kids
evening pleasure as well as various art projects,
cooking, games, storytelling and music.

$100 per child. Space is limited and other
restrictions may apply. Pre-registration is required,
please call Sunny Zamora at 989-8359 x 104
Where: Santa Fe Children's Museum
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 am


Tuesday, December 19th - Wednesday, December 20th 2006

Tuesday & Thursday 12/19 and 12/21 from 1 to 4 p.m.

Holiday Hands on Activities

Hands-on for All Ages! Tuesday, December 19 , 2006 1
to 4 p.m. Make Silk Screen holiday cards with Museum
Educators. By museum admission, all ages and skill
levels welcome, no advance registration or materials
fee required. Hands on for All Ages! Thursday,
December 21, 2006 1 - 4 p.m. Use beads to make
African-inspired gifts seen in the Variations and
Power Dressing »exhibitions. Enjoy Kwanzaa related
stories with Ramona King from 1:30 to 3 p.m. By museum
admission, all ages and skill levels welcome, no
advance registration or materials fee required.

Cost:By Museum admission

General Information & Fees:By Museum Admission:Adult
single-museum admission is $6 for New Mexico
residents, $8 for nonresidents; $12.00 one day,
Two-museum pass (Museum of Indian Arts & Culture &
Museum of International Folk Art OR Museum of Fine
Arts and Palace of the Governor's Museum) $18 four-day
pass for Five museums (Museum of Intentional Folk Art,
Museum of Indian Arts & Culture, Museum of Spanish
Colonial Arts, on Museum Hill; and the Museum of Fine
Arts and Palace of the Governor's Museum, downtown).
Sundays: New Mexico residents with I.D are admitted
FREE! Students with I.D. Receive a one-dollar
discount. Wednesdays: New Mexico resident seniors
(60+) with I.D. are free! Youth 16 and under and
Foundation Members always free!

Location & Directions:
From the South/ Albuquerque: Take I-25 North to Santa
Fe. Exit on to Saint Francis Drive (also called
Highway 285 North - to Santa Fe Plaza- Española-Los
Alamos & Taos). Continue on Saint Francis to Cordova
Road. Turn right on Cordova. Continue on Cordova until
the Street ENDS, the last light you will cross is Old
Pecos Trail. Follow the signs to Museum Hill: left at
the end of Cordova/Armenta onto Camino Corrales- go 2
blocks to 4-way stop. The 4 way stop is Old Santa Fe
Trail. Turn right onto Old Santa Fe Trail- the second
right is Camino Lejo. It is marked with a sculpture
depicting the Santa Fe Trail and a large sign that
says MUSEUM HILL. Turn right onto Camino Lejo. The
visitor lot is on the left and is marked with banners.
From the North/ Taos, Española, Los Alamos Highway 285
becomes Saint Francis Drive in Santa Fe. Continue on
Saint Francis to Cordova Road. Turn left on to
Cordova. Continue on Cordova until the Street ENDS,
the last light you will cross is Old Pecos Trail.
Follow the signs to Museum Hill: turn left at the end
of Cordova/Armenta onto Camino Corrales- go 2 blocks
to the 4-way stop, this is Old Santa Fe Trail. Turn
right onto Old Santa Fe Trail- the second right is
Camino Lejo. It is marked with a sculpture depicting
the Santa Fe Trail and a large sign that says MUSEUM
HILL. Turn right onto Camino Lejo. The visitor lot is
on the left and is marked with banners.

505 476-1200

Museum of International Folk Art
On Museum Hill
Santa Fe, NM 87505




Santa Fe Concert Band Holiday Concert
Occurrences: Dates: Monday, Dec 18 2006
Times: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Location: Lensic Perfroming Arts Center
City: Santa Fe
Address: 211 W. San Francisco
Description: Annual Holiday concert and
sing-a-long.The concert is FREE to the public and will
feature many favorite Christmas tunes: White
Christmas, Sleigh Ride, Favorite Carols and many
others.... Come and bring the whole family and join in
the fun at the Lensic. For more information call
Director, Greg Heltman, at 983-3530.
Contact: Paul Pease
Phone: 505-988-2550
Event Categories: Local Entertainment, Performing


Santa Fe Desert Chorale- A Merry New Mexico Christmas


Dates: Monday, Dec 18 2006
Times: 7:30 PM


Dates: Wednesday, Dec 20 2006
Times: 7:30 PM


Dates: Thursday, Dec 21 2006
Times: 7:30 PM


Dates: Friday, Dec 22 2006
Times: 7:30 PM

Location: Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis
City: Santa Fe
Address: 213 Cathedral Place
Description: From the Chorale’s serene, candlelit
processional, singing Sargent’s lovely arrangement of
Silent Night in German, Spanish and English, to the
finale of a West African carol, this year’s program
will fill your heart with joy synonymous with this
time of year. The program will also include French,
Hebrew and Spanish children’s songs, the simple beauty
of the Appalachian carol I Wonder as I Wander, and
three of the Five Carols by the contemporary British
master of melody, Richard Rodney Bennett.
Contact: Amy Kaye- Box Office Manager
Phone: 505-988-2282
Ticket Prices: Reserved $45 & $35; General
Admission $15; Youth under 18, 1/2 Price.
Ticket Phone: 505-988-2282
Event Categories: Festivals, Performing Arts


Baroque Christmas Merrie Olde England
Occurrences: Dates: Tuesday, Dec 19 2006
Times: 8:00 PM

Dates: Thursday, Dec 21 2006
Times: 6:00 PM & 8:00 PM

Dates: Friday, Dec 22 2006
Times: 6:00 PM & 8:00 PM

Dates: Saturday, Dec 23 2006
Times: 8:00 PM

Dates: Sunday, Dec 24 2006
Times: 6:00 PM & 8:00 PM

Location: Loretto Chapel
City: Santa Fe
Address: 207 Old Santa Fe Trail
Description: One of Santa Fe's favorite holiday
traditions! The Pro Musica Baroque Ensemble presents a
Merrie Ode English Evening in Loretto Chapel - a
festive concert featuring pastoral music, dance, song,
and English Carols.
Contact: Tickets Santa Fe at The Lensic
Phone: 505-988-1234
Ticket Prices: $15.00 - $60.00
Ticket Phone: 505-988-1234
Event Categories: Performing Arts


Kwanzaa Stories
Occurrences: Dates: Thursday, Dec 21 2006
Times: 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM

Location: Museum of International Folk Art
City: Santa Fe
Address: 706 Camino Lejo
Description: Storyteller Ramona King shares Kwanzaa
stories highlighting the 7 principles of the holiday.
Contact: Ramona King
Phone: 505-242-0834
Ticket Prices: Call the Museum of International
Folk Art for Museum Admissions. 505-476-1204
Ticket Phone: 505-476-1204
Event Categories: Community Events, Local
Entertainment, Performing Arts


Golden Dragon Acrobats
Occurrences: Dates: Thursday, Dec 21 2006
Times: 7:00 PM

Dates: Friday, Dec 22 2006
Times: 7:00 PM

Location: The Lensic, Santa Fe's Performing Arts
City: Santa Fe
Address: 211 W. San Francisco Street
Description: Golden Dragon Acrobats The world's
leading Chinese acrobatic troupe come to The Lensic
carrying on the tradition of 27 centuries of proud
tradition, with spellbinding feats of physical daring
and grace. Enhanced by elaborate traditional costumes
in brilliant colors and a combination of ancient and
contemporary theatrical techniques, the Golden Dragon
Acrobats are guaranteed to enthrall audiences of all
Contact: Lensic Box Office
Phone: 505-988-1234
Ticket Prices: $15-$45.
Ticket Phone: 505-988-1234
Event Categories: Performing Arts


Robert Mirabal, A Pueblo Christmas
Occurrences: Dates: Thursday, Dec 21 2006
Times: 7:30 PM

Location: Saint Francis Auditorium
City: Santa Fe
Address: 107 W Palace Ave
Description: An Intimate Evening of Holiday Spirit
and Song. Grammy Award-winning Native American
flautist Robert Mirabal performs selections from his
new album "A Pueblo Christmas," with his trio
partners, Patrick Mirabal on native flutes and
percussion and Michael Kott on cello. Come celebrate
winter solstice with Pueblo holiday stories, video
image projection and classic Christmas Carols like
you've never heard them before!
Contact: Tickets Santa Fe
Phone: 505-988-1234
Ticket Prices: $35/30/25, $25/20/15 youths 18 and
Ticket Phone: 505-988-1234
Event Categories: Performing Arts, Native American


Winter Solstice Celebration
Occurrences: Dates: Friday, Dec 22 2006
Times: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Location: Santa Fe Children's Museum
City: Santa Fe
Address: 1050 Old Pecos Trail
Description: Join us for our annual Winter Solstice
Celebration with bonfires, storytelling, our farolito
labyrinth and more! Great Winter fun for the whole
Contact: Griet Laga
Phone: 505-989-8359
Ticket Prices: admission is free
Event Categories: Community Events, Festivals,


Scorpio 67 - Live & Acoustic!
Occurrences: Dates: Friday, Dec 22 2006
Times: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Location: Evangelos
City: Santa Fe
Address: 200 W. San Francisco
Description: Scorpio 67 is the alter-ego of British
Singer-Songwriter Johnny Stevenson. Johnny will be
playing songs of his soon to be released debut album
under the Scorpio 67 moniker! Show starts prompt until
6PM - 7:30PM Scorpio 67 is currently taking bookings
for the new year.
Contact: Johnny Stevenson
Phone: 505-231-3362
Ticket Prices: FREE!
Event Categories: Local Entertainment

Weekly Public Bronze Pour
Occurrences: Dates: Saturday, Dec 23 2006
Times: 1:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Dates: Saturday, Dec 30 2006
Times: 1:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Location: Shidoni
City: Santa Fe
Address: Bishop's Lodge Road
Description: Watch the pouring of molten bronze
into molds as one of many steps that result in
editions of bronze sculpture. Free every Saturday at
1pm; 2:30pm and 4pm
Phone: 505-988-8001
Event Categories: Visual Arts

Santa Fe Desert Chorale- A Christmas Cabaret: Songs
for the Holidays
Occurrences: Dates: Saturday, Dec 23 2006
Times: 4:00 PM


Dates: Saturday, Dec 23 2006
Times: 7:00 PM

Location: Eldorado Hotel
City: Santa Fe
Address: 309 W. San Francisco
Description: This program, first presented in 2004,
is a joyous end to the Chorale’s annual winter
festival. Members of the Chorale display their
considerable talents on the lighter side as they
perform holiday-inspired popular songs. Table seating.
A light snack is included in the ticket price, and a
cash bar will be available.
Contact: Amy Kaye- Box Office Manager
Phone: 505-988-2282
Ticket Prices: Reserved Table Seating $48 & $38
Ticket Phone: 505-988-2282
Event Categories: Performing Arts

A Classical Christmas Eve
Occurrences: Dates: Sunday, Dec 24 2006
Times: 5:00 PM

Location: The Lensic, Santa Fe's Performing Arts
City: Santa Fe
Address: 211 W. San Francisco
Description: The Musica de Camara Orchestra
presents its 25th anniversary Christmas Eve,
feauturing violinist AArabella Steinbacher in Brahms
Violin Concerto. The orchestra will perform Schubert's
Rosamunde Overture, Sibelius' Oceanides, and the
Bach/Elgar Fantasia and Fugue in C minor. William
Mullen conducts.
Contact: Tickets Santa Fe At The Lensic
Phone: 505-988-1234
Ticket Prices: $75 $67 $58 $47 $38 $30
Ticket Phone: 505 988 1234
Event Categories: Performing Arts


Musica de Camara Orchestra: A Classical Christmas Eve
25th Anniversary Performance
Occurrences: Dates: Sunday, Dec 24 2006
Times: 5:00 PM

Location: Santa Fe Concert Association
City: Santa Fe
Address: Lensic Performing Arts Center
Description: Arabella Steinbacher, violin; William
Mullen, conductor.
Phone: 505-984-8759
Event Categories: Performing Arts


Christmas Day dances all day at most pueblos
Occurrences: Dates: Monday, Dec 25 2006

Location: NM Indian Pueblos
City: Santa Fe
Address: Various Locations
Phone: 505-843-7270
Event Categories: Native American


Various Dances
Occurrences: Dates: Tuesday, Dec 26 2006

Location: Santo Domingo Pueblo
City: Santa Fe
Address: NW of I-25, 25 miles south of Santa Fe
Phone: 505-465-2214
Event Categories: Native American


Turtle Dance
Occurrences: Dates: Tuesday, Dec 26 2006

Location: San Juan Pueblo
City: Santa Fe
Address: North on NM 68, west on US 70
Description: As many of the dances follow the whims
of the seasons, things may change; it's a good idea to
call the pueblo office for an update.
Phone: 505-852-4400
Event Categories: Native American


Booksigning for PIANO: The Making of a Steinway
Concert Grand
Occurrences: Dates: Wednesday, Dec 27 2006
Times: 2:00 PM

Location: Collected Works Bookstore
City: Santa Fe
Address: 208 West San Francisco St
Description: Booksigning by veteran New York Times
writer James Barron for "Piano: The Making of a
Steinway Concert Grand." Barron follows the
step-by-step process as $100,000 Steinway concert
grand grew and took shape from its first 17 strips of
maple to its final staining, tuning, and polishing.
Like no other instrument, a grand piano melds
engineering feats with the magical sounds of great
music: the thunder of a full-throated bass, the
bright, delicate trill of the upper treble.
Contact: Dorothy Massey
Phone: 505-988-4226
Ticket Prices: This event is free and open to the
Event Categories: Literary Arts


The Best from Broadway
Occurrences: Dates: Thursday, Dec 28 2006
Times: 7:30 PM

Location: The Lensic, Santa Fe's Performing Arts
City: Santa Fe
Address: 211 W. San Francisco
Description: Broadway Sings brings the best of the
old and the new classics. Audiences will swoon to the
music of whos such as My Fair Lady, Camelot, South
Pacific, The Sound of Music, Guys and Dolls, West Side
Story, Man of La Mancha, and Fiddler on the Roof. The
sweeping power and majesty and passion of today's
contemporary musicals such as Les Miserables and
Phantom of the Opera will thrill viewers. Young
performers from hit Brodway shows will bring the music
to the stage.
Contact: Tickets Santa Fe At The Lensic
Phone: 505-988-1234
Ticket Prices: $75 $70 $62 $51 $42 $30
Ticket Phone: 505 988 1234
Event Categories: Performing Arts


A Gala's New Years Eve
Occurrences: Dates: Sunday, Dec 31 2006
Times: 5:00 PM

Location: The Lensic, Santa Fe's Performing Arts
City: Santa Fe
Address: 211 W. San Francisco
Description: For the 12th Anniversary performance
William Mullen will conduct: A Gala's New Year's Eve
with violinist Arabella Steinbacher. Steinbacher comes
from Munich, where she has been acclaimed for
performances of beauty and perfection. Over the past
25 years these performances have become a staple of
Santa Fe Holiday Celebrations. Works by Debussy,
Wagner, Rossini and Khachaturian
Contact: Tickets Santa Fe At The Lensic
Phone: 505-988-1234
Ticket Prices: $75 $67 $58 $47 $38 $30
Ticket Phone: 505 988 1234
Event Categories: Performing Arts


Kids Night Out - New Year's Eve Sleepover
Occurrences: Dates: Sunday, Dec 31 2006 to
Monday, Jan 01 2007
Times: 6:30 PM to 8:00 AM
Recurs: Every day

Location: Santa Fe Children's Museum
City: Santa Fe
Address: 1050 Old Pecos Trail
Description: An all-night slumber party for 1st -
6th graders! The Museum's indoor exhibits will be open
for the kids evening pleasure as well as various art
projects, cooking, games, storytelling and music.
Contact: Sunny Zamora
Phone: 505-989-8359
Ticket Prices: $100 per child. Space is limited and
other restrictions may apply. Pre-registration is
required, please call Sunny Zamora at 989-8359 x 104
Event Categories: Other



"Out of my mind. Back in five minutes."

Traffic Safety:

Healthy Cooking From Scratch:

Albuquerque Area Events Weeks of Dec 18 & 24

At the Rio Grande Botanic Garden: Don't miss the 10th
annual River of Lights holiday light display. The
event runs through Saturday, December 30(closed Dec.
24 and 25). River of Lights tickets make wonderful
gifts for the holidays! Advance tickets may be
purchased from any BioPark cashier or buy tickets
online courtesy of the New Mexico BioPark Society.
On-site ticket sales start at 5:30pm and end promptly
at 8:30 pm. No telephone orders. Please call (505)
764-6212 for additional information about the event.
On December 15, 16, 17, 22 and 23 only, visitors may
park at the Heritage Farm parking lot, and purchase
tickets and enter River of Lights at the Cider Barn.
During daytime hours, Garden visitors will also enjoy
the December Garden Holidays poinsettia displays in
the Aquarium, in the Mediterranean and Desert
Conservatories and at the Heritage farmhouse, where
visitors can take a buckboard ride (weather

2006 River of Lights Entertainment Schedule
12/18 Mon. Albuquerque Concert Band, Albuquerque Boy
12/19 Tues. Whirlwinds, The New Mexicords
12/20 Wed. Two Roses, Holiday Nature Crafts, Victorian
Carolers, 4 Sisters Sax Quartet
12/21 Thurs. Two Roses, Victorian Carolers, Duke City
12/22 Fri. Two Roses, Victorian Carolers, Regal
12/23 Sat. Two Roses, Victorian Carolers, Regal
12/26 Tues. Light Displays Only
12/27 Wed. Light Displays Only
12/28 Thurs. Light Displays Only
12/29 Fri. Light Displays Only
12/30 Sat. Light Displays Only

Title Wave Books

Home School Classics Group

Tuesday, December 19th - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm:

month’s focus is “A Christmas Carol” by Charles
Dickens. For more information, call 688-3062


Last-Minute Christmas Shopping!

Saturday, December 23rd:

mention this email to receive your last-minute
shopping discount. Cash, Check or Credit Card only to
qualify for this discount (no trade credit).


Explora Calendar

Dec 18, 2006 09:00 -
Dec 22, 2006 16:00 Winter Camp Winter Camp

Dec 18, 2006 09:00 -
Dec 18, 2006 11:00 Toddler Time Toddler Time

Dec 18, 2006 16:00 -
Dec 18, 2006 17:30 ESI: Explora Science Investigators
After School Club

Dec 23, 2006 13:15 -
Dec 23, 2006 13:35 Film Powers of Ten

Dec 23, 2006 15:00 -
Dec 23, 2006 15:30 Film 901: After 45 Year of Working

Dec 24, 2006 13:00 -
Dec 24, 2006 13:30 Story Time Story Time

Dec 24, 2006 15:00 -
Dec 24, 2006 15:01 Explora Closes at 3PM Today
Explora Closes at 3PM Today

Dec 25, 2006 Christmas Day Explora Closed

Dec 26, 2006 -
Dec 29, 2006 Winter Camp Winter Camp

Dec 26, 2006 14:00 -
Dec 31, 2006 15:00 Robo Lab Robo Lab

Dec 30, 2006 13:00 -
Dec 30, 2006 13:30 Kids First!® Films The Snowy Days

Dec 31, 2006 13:00 -
Dec 31, 2006 13:15 Kids First!® Films Magic Cellar:
Where Stories Come From

Dec 31, 2006 15:00 -
Dec 31, 2006 15:01 Explora Closes at 3PM Today
Explora Closes at 3PM Today


New Digital Dome Planetarium Shows Continue at
Daily Double-Feature – 12pm, 1pm, 2pm & 3pm
Black Holes: The Other Side of Infinity: Zip through
other-worldly wormholes,
experience the creation of the Milky Way Galaxy, and
witness the violent death of a
star and subsequent birth of a black hole.
Cutting-edge science and technology
provide the most complete picture yet on this
mysterious phenomenon. Presented in
ultra-high definition immersive digital dome video.
Narrated by Liam Neeson.
Can you feel the pull?
Wonders of the Universe Travel from the Big Bang to
today's Earth in a stunning
journey to witness the most provocative aspects of the
cosmos. Presented in ultra-
high definition immersive digital dome video with an
original score by Michael
Daily – 10am, 11am & 4pm

A new live Enchanted Skies: The Digital Universe show
uses new state-of-the- art
3D immersive reality tools and astronomical data
that'll fly you through the cosmos in stunning detail.
Learn about the constellations and celestial delights
above New Mexico tonight, explore our solar system,
and then travel through the stars and
beyond to see the universe as never before.
Planetarium Admission Information
Admission to each show is $7 for adults, $6 for
seniors, and $4 for children
ages 3-12.
For more information: 841-5955 or www.lodestar.
Virtual Voyages (Motion Simulator Theater Ride, starts
every 15 minutes
daily from 10am – 4:30pm)

The Dinosaur Simulator - Experience the life and times
of the dinosaurs through their
eyes while your seat moves with the film action.
Virtual Voyages is a high-energy
ride-film that moves you in six different directions,
simulating movement through a
prehistoric landscape. You'll watch the action through
the eyes of seven different
dinosaurs as they interact in a realistic portrayal of
their dangerous environment.
You'll move with the movie, without leaving your seat!

Admission is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, and $4 for
children ages 3 to 12.
For safety considerations, children under 4 are not
allowed on Virtual Voyages.
For more information: 841-5955 or www.lodestar.



"Out of my mind. Back in five minutes."

Traffic Safety:

Healthy Cooking From Scratch: